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Guys!!! This book has reached 1000+ reads already, thank you so much. Also, this is a longer chapter.

February 1972

After Christmas studio sessions came to a grinding halt due to money problems but the band paused to build up their money and ideas.

A week before Alice's second birthday Roger fell ill with a bad cold after he took her out to the park and they got caught in the rain.

Staring tiredly at the ceiling Alice can't sleep after waking from thunder and lightning raging outside. Nights like this she'd normally go and crawl into Roger's bed but tonight that's not happening.

Brian told her that her dad needs rest and a good nights sleep so she doesn't want to disturb him. Adding to the thunderstorm, she has a tummy ache, a headache and she's really cold.

She tossed and turned for a while longer then huffs and slides out of bed taking bunny with her, tiptoeing past her dad's room she stops at Brian's door. She doesn't go into Brian's room often, it's his personal space and Roger has told her not to go in unless she has permission or if it's an emergency.

Looking around the hall Alice turns to see if anything else could settle her but there's nothing so she decides this is an emergency.

Reaching up she twists the handle and pushes it open a little bit peering around it.

The room is dark but she can just make out Brian's frame under the covers, facing away from the door, his curly hair the only visible part of him.

Pushing the door shut, any light that was let in from the hallway disappears, she tiptoes over to the bed and stops nervously biting her lip then shakes Brian's shoulder.

He doesn't stir and Alice starts to become upset her tummy feels worst, she's shivering and the darkest of the room is playing with her mind adding to her headache.

"Uncle Brian," She whimpers quietly, shaking his shoulder again.

The small cry for help is what woke Brian this time, rolling over he can vaguely see Alice's form, "Alice?" He squints at his clock reading twenty past midnight. Eyes adjusting to the dark he can see the tears on her face, body shivering, "What's the matter, love?"

"I'm sorry, my tummy hurt and my head and I'm cold." She sniffles rubbing her tired watery eyes, jumping as a flash of lightning lights the room.

Tutting Brian moves over, "You don't need to apologise. I know your dad told you not to come in here without permission but you can always come and get me if you need me. Come on," He lifts the covers and she crawls into the warm space beside him.

For a reason he doesn't know, Brian gets the feeling that Alice is still a little frightened of him, "Your still a bit scared of me aren't you?" She tends to watch him while he's doing stuff around the flat, not out of curiosity but out of worry.

He wraps the covers around her as she lies down, she glances up at him, "I lived with mama, there was a man. He was tall, skinny, curly hair too, he was mama's boyfriend but he didn't like me, he'd yell at me and hit me."

Now he gets it, because they look similar he reminds Alice of this man, "I want you to know that I'd never yell at you or hurt you. Your safe with me I promise, let's go get some Calpol for that tummy and headache."

After venturing to the kitchen, they both climb back into his bed and Alice cuddles up close, her shiver body relaxes as Brian runs his fingers through her hair.


Alice caught Roger's cold and spent her second birthday lay on the sofa sleeping, around lunchtime on her birthday she lay with her head in Roger's lap, blanket wrapped around her as he scribbles in his notebook.

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