Side Effects

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Happy live aid day!!!

The day after her first treatment Alice felt her first lot of side effects, she'd been feeling sick all morning and extremely tired. She's layup on the sofa, Biscuit at her feet, John sat on the floor beside the sofa watching the TV and writing in his songbook.

Roger had to go to the studio to record the last bits needed for the album but he can't leave Alice home alone so John volunteered to babysit, since he's not needed at the studio.

"You writing a new song uncle Deaky?" Alice whispers, no energy to get her voice louder than that.

The bassist nods looking over his shoulder at her, "It's only the start of one but hopefully for the next album. How are you feeling? You hungry or need a drink?"

"Not hungry but can I have some water?"

He reaches for the cup of water on the coffee table, she takes a few sips before settling back down again. It didn't last long though, her stomach had other ideas, "I'm going to be sick."

John moved very quickly grabbing the bucket, getting it to her in time for her to throw up. He ties her hair back and rubs her back, what concerned him though was how violently she threw up and how much she brought up.

Poor Biscuit looks lost not knowing how to help his human. When she's done, Alice wipes her mouth with the tissue John gives her while he takes the bucket away to clean.

When he comes back, Biscuit is laying beside Alice, her cuddling him, "I don't want to be ill anymore," She sobs looking up at her uncle, "I want to go back to school. Why do I have to be ill, uncle Deaks?"

Joining them on the sofa John holds her stroking her hair, he wished he knew the answer to that question, "I don't know, Ally. But you're going to get better and after your surgery, you'll be able to go back to school a few days a week."

"But then I'll look ugly because I'll have no hair, so everyone will tease me and no one will want to know me."

"Then they have no business being your friends. But it doesn't matter if you lose your hair, I promise you won't look ugly without your hair." He holds her tightly, giving her the comfort she needs as she falls asleep again.

When Roger got home John tells him about their conversation and her being sick, "Trouble is Deaks, this is only the start. I was talking to Melrose, she said Alice handled the first treatment well but with every treatment, the side effects get worse and she'll feel worse. It's only after the surgery that she'll improve a little."

"And what about the hair loss?" They can't do must to help with the treatments but the hair loss is something they can sort, a wig or something, "She hasn't lost any yet but it could happen."

"Freddie said he's got that covered, Alice just has to let him know when her hair starts falling out," Roger is glad Freddie's on the ball with that because losing her hair is going be hard for his daughter.


After Alice second chemo treatment bigger side effects started to happen. It was coming towards the end of the week after the second session, though tired, Alice is feeling better and needed some time out of the house that isn't going to the hospital.

So Roger decided to bring her to the studio with him, it's nothing overly strenuous she can sit on the sofa but it gets her out of the house and she gets to see her uncles too.

There isn't a lot of recording going on today, it's all recorded, now it's just a matter of putting the songs together meaning they can they could goof around a bit. Brian spent some time giving Alice another guitar lesson but then Roger moves on to give her a lesson on the drums while he's not needing.

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