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Brian spent a week in hospital before he was discharged. He spent another week in his own bed with Alice nursing him.

Alice took charge of nursing her uncle, making sure he drinks plenty of water, feeds him soup until he has the energy to feed himself and making sure no one disturbs him while he sleeps.

She stayed at home with Brian nursing him while Roger, Freddie and John get straight back into the studio working on their third album.

After that week, Brian finally picked up a guitar again and went to the studio under Alice's watchful eye. He has to sit down at the moment while recording but it's a start and he's glad to be out of his room.

"I hear you had your own personal nurse tending to your every need," Freddie mused, perched on the arm of the sofa beside the guitarist while Roger records some overdubs.

"Honestly, I'm glad Alice was there, I think I would have starved and dehydrated if she hadn't looked after me," He was glad of the company too, she would read to him when he couldn't sleep during the day and if he needed anything she would go and get it for him.

"Hmm... a nurse in the making," John smiles joining the conversation, "So what's it going to be, Ally? Are you going to be a nurse or photographer? You have a knack for both."

"Photographer! I'm going to be Queen's photographer."

"Are you?" Freddie chuckles, "Well you do have a flair for it, maybe one day you will be, maybe you can have a trial run one day."

"Well don't rule out being a nurse," Brian ruffles her hair, "Your very good."


A week later Roger and Alice move out of the flat into their new home. Wanting to say thank you to Alice for looking after him, Brian decides, with Roger's approval, to get Alice the one thing she's always wanted.

And by approval, he means he'll get and Roger will have to live with it.

The boys help Roger move and a few days after they're settled into their new house, Brian knocks on the door and walks in.

"Bloody hell," Roger mutters seeing the golden retriever puppy in Brian's arms, "You got her a dog?"

"Yeah, to say thank you."

"A thank you would be to get her a new toy or take her for ice cream, not get a dog."

"Well he's here now and I'm not taking him back."

Roger knows he won't win anyway, "Why didn't you get her a small dog?"

"I was going but I saw him and he followed me about so I couldn't leave him. Besides, he is small for now," Brian fusses the puppy receiving kisses in return, "Is Alice in her room?"

Sighing, Roger nods giving the dog a fuss himself, "Alice! Come down here please."

Running can be heard on the landing and coming down the stairs, she races into the living room, "Close your eyes," Roger tells her, "Keep your eyes closed. Uncle Brian has a present for you to say thank you for looking after him."

He walks her forward as Brian puts the dog on the floor, the golden ball of fluff bounds over to the father-daughter duo nudging Alice's hand. She gasps, opening her eyes shock on her face, "A puppy?!"

 She gasps, opening her eyes shock on her face, "A puppy?!"

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