Rockfield Farm

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July 1975

In a car on the way to Rockfield farm, Alice stares out the window Biscuit lay on the seat beside her. The boys have been at Rockfield farm recording for the past month, they weren't meant to have any distractions but Roger refused to go to the studio if Alice wasn't allowed to come and stay during the summer holidays.

Veronica had been right about a few things, Alice's appetite has not returned. He grows more and more concerned as the days go on but with work, he hasn't had the time to take her to the doctors yet.

Adding to his concerns, the night before the band left for Rockfield, Alice cried for ages not wanting him to go again. His being away is starting to affect her in more ways than just loss of appetite, she's lost weight, gets tired quickly and has sudden moody swings throughout the day.

He's hoping six weeks at the farm with him and her uncles will get her back to normal health.

"Excuse me, sir, are we almost there?" They've been in the car a while and Alice is concerned that Biscuit probably needs a wee. They stopped once already but that was well over an hour ago.

"Yes Miss, just five more minutes."

"Five minutes buddy," She strokes the retrievers head as he lays partially in her lap, he used to be able to fit in her lap without trouble but now he's too big for that.

They turn a corner into the courtyard of the farm, Biscuit sits up excitedly, tail wagging to see out the window. Alice lets him out, climbing out after him.

The driver kindly lifts her case out of the boot, "Thank you, sir."

"Your very welcome, little miss," The driver smiles, "Your dad will either be in the house or the barn studio, I'll see you in six weeks." He gets in the car and drives off.

She intended to go to the barn but Biscuit has his eye on the chicken sat on the fence and bounds over to it. She thought he would growl at it but he barks once then bows wanting to play with the odd-looking creature.

The chicken pays Biscuit no mind, "Come on, Biscuit," She chuckles attaching his lead and pulling him away so he doesn't annoy any of the other animals, "The chicken doesn't want to play with you."

Grabbing her suitcase, she drags it towards the barn inside she finds all four of them in the recording booth, Paul and their sound tech, Roy in the sound booth, "What are you doing here?" Paul turns his nose up at her, his Irish accent stronger than ever.

"I'm here for my six weeks holiday like daddy agreed."

"Why is he with you?" He points to Biscuit.

"Because he can't be left on his own for six weeks." Biscuit goes everywhere with her if he's allowed, "Daddy and the farm lady said it was okay."

"Just don't be a distraction," He huffs leaving the barn, annoying imp and her stupid dog.

"Does he always talk to you like that?" Roy frowns taking his headphones off, he heard the entire thing.

Alice nods, "Always. Don't tell dad though."

"Why not?"

She just shrugs not really sure why "Well if you decide to tell your dad then I can back you up."

Waiting for them to finish in the booth, Alice pulls out her camera and takes a few pictures of them recording.

John comes out of the booth first and picks Alice up hugging her to death, "Hello Uncle Deaky," She giggles.

"Oh, it is so good to see another human being. How's Robert?" Veronica gave birth two months ago to little Robert Deacon.

"I brought you a picture," She hands him the photo.

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