Live Aid

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Freddie sat in his chair waiting for the others to arrive, "Where are they?"

"They're late," Miami simply raises an eyebrow. Freddie could feel the irony of the situation, they are giving him a taste of his own medicine.

A knock on the door announces their arrival, Brian enters first followed by Roger and John, he also notes a glum-looking Alice waiting outside.

You could the tension with a knife, "If anyone wants any tea, coffee, bladed weapons... just ask." Miami paused, "Who wants to go first?"

Freddie jumps right in, "I will. I know I've been hideous and I deserve your fury. I've been selfish and an utter asshole really."

"Strong beginning," Roger is angry, not just because of Queen but because he hurt Alice, so he wasn't about to roll over and give in easily, he would make this as hard as possible for Freddie.

"Look I'm happy to strip off my shirt and flagellate before you... or rather I could ask you a simple question?"

"I'm good with the flagellation."

Freddie sighs, "What's it going to take for you all to forgive me?"

"Is that what you want, Freddie?" Brian asks, "I forgive you, is that it? Can we go now?"

"No, I need you and you need me. I went to Munich and hired a bunch of guys, I told them what to do and the problem is they just did it. No pushbacks or rewrites. So go ahead name your terms."

"Could you give us a moment, please, Fred?" Brian ordered rather than asked. Freddie left the room as did Miami and they discussed their terms.

John asked him back in, "From now on, every song no matter who wrote it, music, lyrics... it's by Queen, not one of us. All the money, all the credits, split four ways evenly."


Roger continues, "We have a problem with the people around you."

Freddie knew that would come up, "Paul is out, I fired him."

"On what pretext?" John ask.

"Villainy and for lying about Alice whereabouts before she ended up under that drum riser. What else?"

"Bob Geldof," Miami jumps in, "I called to convince him to squeeze you into the lineup for the live aid concert but he needs an answer now. You need to make a decision."

"We haven't played in years," Roger thinks it's madness, "it's suicide to play again in front of millions."

"Try over 1.5 billion," Brian corrects.

"Look, all I know is that if we wake up the day after this concert and we didn't do our bit... we will regret it till the day we died. Please." Freddie knew this will bring them back together, they all agree followed by a group hug.

Over Freddie's shoulder, Roger sees Alice sat solemnly on the floor outside the office, he pulls back from the hug, "Before we go, Alice has something to ask you all."

"Ah, I wondered why she was sat outside," Miami voices his thoughts.

Roger doesn't say anything just waves her in, "You guys a band again?" Alice asks, glad to see the four back together even if her face doesn't show it.

"Yes, meaning you get your VIP passes and you get to be Queen's photographer for the day."

"Thanks," She manages a small smile sitting on the arm of the chair next to her dad.

"Thought you'd be pleased," Brian knows Alice has been waiting a long time to get some experience at a big event like this.

"Has something happened?" John frowns, she doesn't even need to say anything for him to see how down she is. It's a look they've all seen before.

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