Show and Tell

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October 1974

"Daddy?" Alice sat on the studio sofa with Biscuit at her feet, finishing her homework when she remembers the question she needs to ask him.

"Yeah?" Roger mocks her optimistic tone, looking down at the soundboard, knowing she after something.

"Can I borrow your drum sticks for school tomorrow?"

Turning in the chair he raises an eyebrow, "Why do you need my drumsticks?"

"We have show and tell on Friday's and tomorrow is my turn. I wanted to take them so I could talk about Queen and you because your cool," She blushes feeling embarrassed.

Freddie ruffles Alice's hair, chuckling, "At least we know you're a fan."

Grinning, Roger feels honoured that she's chosen him to be her show and tell, "I don't see why not but remember I need them back straight after school for tomorrow evening." Queen is performing Killer Queen on Top of the Pops tomorrow night.

"I'll keep them safe, I promise."


"Right class, it's time for show and tell. Alice, it's your turn this week, do you want to come up to the front?" The boys are watching Alice's show and tell on record. Veronica works at Alice's school and agreed to film it for them.

They watch Alice walk to the front of the class drumsticks in hand, "Whenever your ready," The teacher smiles.

Alice takes a deep breath and holds up the sticks, "These drumsticks belong to my dad. He's a drummer for a living in a band called Queen. My dad is Roger Taylor and he's the coolest dad in the world, he taught himself to play at the age of 8 and he's been teaching me too."

"Whoa. Cool," A few class members mutter.

"I have three uncles that are also in the band, John Deacon, he's the bass player. He's the quietest member of the group but he's funny, he can fix anything and he built an amplifier." John blushes not expecting that ego boost.

"Brian May is the guitarist. Uncle Brian is a genius because built his own guitar, the Red Special, from scratch using things lying around his home. He also an astrophysicist and cares for animals." Brian blushes the same as John, none of them believed she paid much attention to what they say so this an eye-opener.

"Last is Freddie Mercury, he is the lead singer. He has the best voice," Freddie grins, making a mental note to give Alice a big squeeze when she's finished doing her homework upstairs.

"Isn't he the one with the odd-looking teeth?" A kid smirks and Freddie's grin fades covering his teeth.

"He is not odd looking." Alice scowls, stamping her foot, "He has four additional teeth but they add to his singing by giving him more room in his mouth which means a better range. They're not odd, Freddie Mercury is the nicest and kindest man I know, looks shouldn't matter. As I was saying he has the best voice in the world and he will be a legend one day, as will Queen, just you wait and see." Freddie smiles again though keeping his teeth covered.

She goes back to her seat and that's where the recording ends. Roger is proud of her for defending Freddie like that.

Going upstairs to find her, Freddie taps on her door before entering, "How's the homework, lovie?"

He thought she was ignoring him because she doesn't look up from her work then after a moment she puts her pencil down, "I've finished."

"Oh good, I thought you were ignoring me," He grins, sitting on her bed, "I saw your show and tell speech..."

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