Watching Over

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Alice's POV

So there you have it, that's my story. I told you it was a said one and yes I'm talking to you from the afterlife, this is our version of heaven. I remember seeing those I'd lost, again.


"Hello Uncle Freddie," Alice looks around her there's nothing but a bright white void and she is alone.

Then she heard it, like an echo, to begin with, a bark. She turns as a golden load of fluff coming bounding towards her, "Biscuit!" Alice drops to her knees giving her beloved dog so much fuss, receiving kisses in return, "Where are the others, hmm...?"

"Here," A female voice answers her question.

Alice could have cried upon seeing her, "Molly," She runs over to her girlfriend wrapping her in a hug then kissing her lips with so much love, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Molly kisses back, grinning.

"Excuse me, Uncle in the room. Stop that shit, that better not be all I'm going to see for the rest of eternity," Freddie appeared out of nowhere shielding Biscuits eyes, "Don't corrupt our sweet boy."

Alice couldn't resist giving him the tightest hug, "I'm so glad your here."

"It's only been three weeks, lovie," He hugs her back anyway.

Pulling back she noticed that he's dressed in his yellow jacket from Wembley and he looks healthy, so does Molly and if Alice could see herself she's sure she looks healthy again too.

End of Flashback

So yeah this is my eternal family, the white void now looks a lot like Rockfield Farm just very clean. Apparently, it holds the biggest memories for all of us.

"Freddie, come on, it's starting," Molly shouts over the sofa to the kitchen from beside me.

"I'm here, I'm here," Freddie passes me the bowl of popcorn, sitting beside me, Biscuit spreads himself across our laps, "I'm not going to miss my own tribute concert, lovie."

Yeah as I said at the beginning, we have a concert to watch. You can watch too if you like, a little bonus scene to my story.


April 1992

It's been five months since Alice's death and six since Freddie's, adjusting to a new life without them has been hard for the Queen family and especially for Roger, Brian and John.

They miss them and Roger has been the worst, he barely goes a day without welling up wanting to see his daughter again. Rory misses her sister tremendously, she has taken to sleeping in Alice's bed.

Bowie and Queen decided to use the photos and create a book series of her work in her memory. Felix has been given the task of sorting the photos so Felix spends a lot of his spare time in Alice's photography room.

Roger is stood at the side of Wembley Stadium stage, waiting to go on to do the introductions with Brian and John.

"You ready?" Brian nudges his friend's shoulder. He looks better than he has in react months but they all miss Alice and Freddie.

"I'm doing this for them. If Alice were here she'd want to be involved and would be bouncing about taking photos," Roger smiles, imagining her there with him.

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