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Halfway through their week stay in Cornwall and Alice is truly surprised that neither Felix nor Rory have noticed her oxygen tube yet.

They're at a nearby theme park for the day, Alice loves going on rides so to test her lungs she starts out on the small rides with Rory seeing how her lungs cope.

As the day went on and her lungs show no signs of disliking the activities, she forgot she was ill for a while and as the last ride of the day, Alice agrees to go on the parks biggest roller coaster with Felix.

The moment she got off the ride she regretted it, she walks down the path off of the ride behind Felix, her lungs feel like they're screaming at her and a sudden sharp headache has her gripping the fence around the ride.

"Ally?" Felix comes back to her side when he turned back to see she's stopped, "What's wrong?"

"Go... get dad, Fe," She orders clutching her head, attracting the attention of other park visitors.

"But you need help, I don't know where dad is," Felix frantically looks around for Roger, "I don't want to leave you alone."

"Felix... please go, I..."

"Are you alright, Miss?" An older woman comes to her aid, showing an NHS badge, "I'm a nurse, can I help?"

"Need... my... dad," Alice gasps, "He... has... my... oxygen."

The woman doesn't seem to bat an eyelid at the strange sentence, "Are you a cancer patience, dear?"

Alice looks over her shoulder to a scared-looking Felix, "Go... get dad." He runs off to find Roger leaving her with the woman, "Yes. Secondary.... kidney, spread to lungs and untreatable."

"I'm sorry," The nurse sympathizes, helping her to sit on a nearby wall, "Tell me what your feeling?" She kneels in front of Alice noting a blue ting to her lips and checks her pulse, which is rapid.

"Lungs... need... oxygen. Sh-sharp... he-headache."

"Alice!" Roger runs over to her followed by Winifred. They left Felix and Rory with Clare and Sophie.

"Oxygen..." Alice huffs out her chest getting tighter, grabbing her bag from her dad. The nurse helps her get the tube on and turns the oxygen onto maximum.

Slowly Alice regains enough oxygen that the blue ting starts to fade, Winifred passes her a bottle of water, "I'm sorry," Alice mutters to her dad.

Roger shakes his head rubbing her back, "Nothing to apologise for. We'll go back to the car when you're ready, I think we've had enough for today. Thank you for helping her," He addresses the nurse, thank god she was there. He worries that next time they might not be so lucky.

"Just doing my job," The nurse smiles checking Alice's pulse again, "Much better. I'd say you've escaped a trip to the hospital but I'd advise no more roller coasters."

Alice huffs a laugh, nodding, "Noted. Thank you."

"I'll leave you to your family but if out still have that headache later this evening, I'd suggest calling 999. It was nice to meet you," The nurse rejoins her family.

Roger helps Alice back to the car, making sure she keeps the oxygen on though turning the amount down slightly.

The drive back is quiet, Clare had already gone ahead with the kids. Alice goes straight to Felix room, he's sat on his bed but darts out of bed to hug her, "Are you okay, Ally? What happened?"

"Sit on the bed," She instructs him and at the same time, Roger comes into the room with Rory, closing the door and sits on the bed with her on his lap, "I have some explaining to do."

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