Moment of Truth

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Brian, Freddie, John and Roger spent the week sorting out Alice's bedroom ready for when the test results come back. Roger also brought a car seat for the van, he wants everything to be right for his daughter.

Sat within ears reach of the phone, Roger waits anxiously for the phone call from Sophia. It's the end of the week and there's still been no call so it has to be today.

It's been a very long week, Brian has never seen his friend this moody, it's been hard to watch because none of them can make it better. They've experienced Roger's moods before but not like this.

He's scribbling in his notebook when Brian comes back from having a shower, "Have you told your parents about Alice yet?"

"Not until I have the results and Alice is back with..." The phone rang and Roger shot up from his seat.


Brian didn't get must out of listening to the phone conversation but Roger slams the phone down smiling, "Grab your clogs, we're going to get my daughter back."

Arriving at Sophia Ray's office Roger raced up the stairs, Brian following behind, he signs the legal papers and she leads him down the hall to where Alice is sat.

Seeing her dad Alice shot off the chair running at him, "Dada," she whimpers as he picks her up and she clutches his shirt hugging him as tight as possible.

"See, I promised I'd get you back. It's okay," He pulls her back from the hug wiping her face free of tears, "We're going to have a little celebratory lunch then we'll go home, yeah?"

They leave the office calling Freddie and John from the nearest phone box, telling them to meet at their favourite cafe.


"'eaky!" Alice squeals when he enters the cafe.

Somehow in the very short amount of time he's known her, John has become Alice's favourite uncle. It probably has to do with the rabbit teddy she's clutching but the bassist gives her a toothy grin, lifting her from the high chair into a hug, "Oh, I knew you had to be a Taylor."

"Blue eyes and blonde hair, darling, she's practically Roger in girl form," Freddie muses tickling under her chin over John's shoulder

Once they're seated, a young waitress comes over to take their order, then turns to Alice in the high chair giving her some crayons and paper, "And what can I get for this little lady?"

"O's, peas," Alice tells her grinning.

"Such good manners, coming right up. Anything else?"

Roger quickly interjects before she can walk away, "Can she actually have the kid's tomato pasta please," The woman writes it down and walks away, "If she figures out what O's are she is my hero."

"So what now?" Freddie jumps into business, Alice hadn't been a factor when they made the original plans, "The university circuit, are we still doing it?"

"Yes but Alice is going to have to come with us. I have no one else to look after her and I'm not asking my parents," Roger loves his family dearly but he doesn't want to be separated from Alice again.

"But the first thing I need to do is take Alice to meet my family," It's going to be a shock but he can't keep her a secret from them.

"Here we are," The waitress puts the plates in the right spots, "Then the kid's pasta and cheerios for this little one, enjoy your food." She walks away and all four of them stare at the bowl.

"Cheerios," They all shout at the same time.

"O's Dada," Alice grabs a handful showing them to her dad.

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