Girl Bonding

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February 1977

Queen are back on tour in the US and Dominique is looking after Alice this time around. It's a good chance for them to bond without Roger around.

Alice's 7th birthday is coming up and sadly, once again, Roger will not be here for it but Dominique wants her to have a good day, "Alice, what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?" She asks while Alice is doing her homework at the table.

"It's on a school day so I'll be at school," She pouts, looking up. She hates that her birthday always falls on a school day.

"Well, we could do something after school?" Dominique tries to think of something new and exciting that Alice hasn't done before, "Then maybe on Friday after you could have some friends around?"

Alice's pout disappears, "Really, could I invite Rami and Hazel for a sleepover?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not. I'll ring their parents later and we'll get it set up. Would you like to go ice skating on your birthday after school? Your dad told me you've never been."

"Yes please," Alice imagines wearing a sparkly outfit like figure skaters, "I can't skate though."

Dominique smiles, "Neither can I but why should that stop us? It will be fun, I promise."

"Oh wait, I almost forgot, I have my 12-month check-up today at 2," Alice suddenly remembers, "Um... Auntie V was meant to take me but would you mind coming instead?"

"How come?" She doesn't mind taking her, their relationship is becoming stronger by the day but Alice has a good relationship with Veronica and she doesn't want to pull them apart, "Has Veronica done something wrong?"

"No, I like Aunt V, she's my favourite auntie. Please don't tell Aunt Clare I said that" She changes conversation mid-sentence before continuing, "But I want you to come because it feels like... having a mum..." She trails off quietly at the end but Dominique heard it.

She smiles pulling her into a loving hug, kissing her hair, "Of course I'll take you." She'd like it if Alice eventually came to see her as her mum but she'd never push it.

"We better get going," Dominique checks her watch seeing the time. She waits for Alice to put her shoes on and tops up Biscuits water bowl before they go.


The following day, Dominique picks Alice up from school and they head to the nearest ice rink. After paying for the skates she helps Alice put them on, "You ready?"

"You'll help me right?"

"Of course I will. Keep hold of my hand and I'll teach you," Stepping out onto the ice they stay near the edge for a while until their confidence grows.

She wants Alice to enjoy this, Dominique went ice skating with her mum as a child and loved it but she can see the little girl is still nervous so starts chatting to distract her, "So tell me what something I should know about your dad that he won't have told me?"

A shit-eating grin spreads across her lips and she giggles, "He terrified of spiders."


"Yep," Her giggles turn into a full dirty laugh, "He screamed like a girl when there was one in the shower once."

"That is something I want to see." Dominique laughs picturing the image, "Anything else?"

"He didn't learn to swim until he was 22 because he has a fear of drowning. He likes to start pillow fights when he's on the tour bus."

She continues to spill Roger's secrets until their time slot is up. They arrive home in time to hear the phone ringing, Alice races to answer, "Hello?"

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