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I don't own the song

Telling Rory and Felix was the hardest part, after Alice's passing Roger carried her body upstairs laying her out on her bed. Brian and John stay with them ringing Miami and the funeral company that will look after Alice until her burial.

Roger stays with her because he doesn't want her to be alone, Dominique goes to get the children. She wakes Rory first, carrying her down the hall to Felix's room, "I have something to tell you both," She sits on Felix's bed with Rory on her lap.

"Last night, after you two went to bed, Alice... passed away," Felix instantly understands and starts to cry but she's not too sure if Rory understands, "Do you understand, honey?"

"Ally has gone to heaven," Rory looks up at her mum with glassy eyes, little lip wobbling, "like Uncle Freddie."

"Yeah," Dominique clears her throat, "She's gone to heaven, her soul has but her body is still here if you want to say goodbye before the Hurst takes her body away."

She carries Rory down the hall and Felix follows behind. Felix walks over to the bed to hug Alice but Rory just sobs into her mum's shoulder.

The Hurst arrived not long after, Brian showed them to Alice's room, they let everyone else say their goodbyes to her before taking her body away. Roger follows them down to the Hurst then retreats to Alice's room.

Dominique rings Alice's friends to tell them, Rami was distraught. Brian rang Bowie while John rang Winifred and Clare before they head home telling their own families the news.

The next few days after Alice's passing, Roger would not leave Alice's room for anything except to eat and use the bathroom. Neither Debbie nor Dominique have ever seen him like this, not even when Alice got diagnosed the second time around.

Felix and Rory try to comfort their dad in their own way but he only seems to accept Rory's company.

The day of Alice's funeral arrived and Roger finally left Alice's bedroom but he hardly said a word. Rami, Joe, Ben, Adam, Bowie, John, Gwilym and Brian carried Alice's coffin in. Roger didn't have the energy nor strength for it.

Rami read a eulogy from Alice's friends while John read the eulogy from Alice's family. Miami then got up to speak, "Alice came to me over two years ago with instructions for everything she wanted for her funeral, one very specific instruction was to make sure a certain song was played. It's not a song in her memory but a song containing her words for her family."

His words picked up Roger attention, he hadn't been paying much attention until now. Miami continues, "Some of you know that a few months ago Alice's released her first single, she asked me to make sure her second single was released on the day of her funeral. But in her memory, I have arranged for this song is being played nationwide as well as here."

Despite saying he would, Roger never got around to listening to Alice's second song on the EP so hearing it for the first time like that hit his emotions in more ways than one.

After the burial, Alice hadn't wanted a wake but Miami needed to read her will so those involved in the will go back to the Taylor home.

Miami takes Alice's file out of his briefcase then looks about the room at those sat before him, Roger and Dominique, John, Brian, Rami and Lucy, Joe and Hazel, Adam and Bowie, Rory, Felix and Rufus. All those closest to Alice.

"This letter was rewritten a few weeks ago but it's all Alice's own words, I only helped her to write it and took care of the legal matters." He unfolds the letter and reads aloud.

'Hey everyone,

If Miami is reading this then I guess I've joined Molly and Uncle Freddie, I'll give them your love. I realise I don't have a lot to leave behind that is truly mine but what does belong to me is written in this will and given to those I believe should have it.

To my friends, Rami, Lucy, Joe, Hazel and Adam. Like what me and Adam did with Molly's things, take a box each and sort through my room, take Felix and Rory with you. Hazel and Lucy, go through my clothes with Rory take what you like and make sure my sister gets something.

To my mum and dad, I leave you the two necklaces that belonged to me and Molly.' Miami passes the box to Dominique, she takes the black necklace while Roger takes the silver.

'My car I leave to Joe, I know you've been struggling for a little run around now you have Alex and money is a little tight some I hope it helps. My camera I leave to Adam, I'm sorry it's not as big as a car but this is much dearer to me, use it for your work and capture your talents. But follow your dreams if the stage and screen is where you want to be, I can assure you I'll be watching opening night,' Miami hands the car keys to Joe and the camera to Adam.

'Rami, we've known each other for so long now there wasn't one thing I could give to you but I did put this together. It's not big, fancy nor expensive but it means more to me than anything could,' It's a picture frame with two photos, the first photo is of them together at their first school Christmas party in year one as children, they're both grinning at the camera, Alice hugging his neck. The second photo is an almost identical picture they're both grinning at the camera, Alice hugging Rami's neck but it's 15 years later at Rami and Lucy's wedding, 'Your friendship has meant more to me than you'll ever know.'

Rami cries at the photo, "God, I miss her."

'Now to the more legal matters, my photos. Any photos and filming from Queen tours, productions and anything else, the copyrights now belong to Queen. Any photos and filming that is from David Bowie's tours, productions, etc... the copyrights belong to David Bowie. Don't worry you don't have to go through all my work sort what belongs to who, I've already done that. In my photography room are two boxes containing everything that belongs to each, I'll let you decide what to do with them. My music rights belong to you, Dad.

Lastly my money, royalties etc... for my music, photography work and just general money that built up in my account. The money that built up has been split and put into three accounts, one for Felix, one for Rory and one for Rufus. My royalties have also been split three ways between the accounts. These accounts can only be accessed from the age of 18 but hopefully, it will help live your dreams. I just ask that you apologise, dad, to any siblings that might follow after my passing.

Brian and John, I'm sorry I don't have anything physical to leave you but thanks for a great life filled with fun, laughter and amazing memories. I couldn't have asked for a better family, make sure you give it you're all for the tribute concert in April, I'll be watching and so will Uncle Freddie.

Dad, I know you're probably in a dark place right now and hating the world for taking me but move forward for me. Give Felix, Rory, Rufus and any future others, if there is any, the childhood you gave me. I love you, you truly are the worlds best dad and thanks for taking me in.

Love you, Queen Fam,

Alice xx

A sombre silence settles in the room, all lost by the loss of their daughter, niece, sister and friend. Moving on from this is going to take some time and it will happen slowly, but they'll never forget her even if the rest world does.

The next chapter is the last guys. 

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