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George awakes feeling daylight blanketing his body, burning the outside of his eyelids. He squints one eye open, confused on why he was laying on the floor.

Rubbing his puffy eyes, he sits up and stretches on the air mattress, popping his back from the uncomfortable position he had slept in.

Sitting up on his knees, he looks up to the bed and realizes the occupants from last night were no longer buried in the sheets. He glances across the room to see both his friends' suitcases laying flat on the floor and open, their clothes from the night before thrown into them.

Walking over to the bathroom, George opens the door and watches as natural light floods the dark room. He looks over at the sink and his lips curl at the sight of two toothbrushes accompanying his usually lonely one.

After mouthwash, he opens his mirrored cabinet and takes out an orange container, shaking the small, white pill out onto his hand. He places it on his tongue and washes it down with tap water. He would appreciate it if his allergies didn't flare up in the middle of everything.

George realizes he was in the same clothes he had worn yesterday, and grabs a change from his closet. He sheds his attire and steps into the shower, sighing as the instantly lukewarm water hits his sweaty skin.

After changing into some casual sweats and a t-shirt, he walks through the hallway stopping when he hears commotion coming from the kitchen. Talking over the drone of the vent, Dream and Sapnap were cooking what looked to be pancakes, scurrying around the kitchen like they had no idea what they were doing.

Correction, Dream looked like he had no idea what he was doing. Sapnap was doing what looked to be a thousand things at one time, while Dream followed him around like a lost puppy.

It's then when George notices the extent of the mess his friends had caused. There was literally pancake mix thrown on the cabinets. "Good morning." George speaks up.

Both Dream and Sapnap freeze, and turn around slowly, a sheepish smile adorning both their faces. Sapnap turns off the vent and they both try to talk at the same time.

"We're going to clean this up-"

"We made pancakes!"

George's mouth curves upward in a small, half-smile. He honestly couldn't decide if this was funny or annoying. He walks forward, his expression slackening into slight horror at the scene in front of him. "What, did you guys have a food fight or something in here?" He asks incredulously.

Dream and Sapnap look at each other and look away, their cheeks tinted pink. They did, didn't they?

"God." George murmurs under his breath.

He walks past them and looks at the large stack of golden brown pancakes on the plate. Picking it up, he walks over to his small morning table, gesturing for them to sit down when they just stood there like idiots. They smile and skip over to the table, slumping in their chairs as soon as they sit.

George opens his fridge and fishes out a half-empty bottle of maple syrup, along with some whipped cream, blueberries, and a vibrant jug of orange juice. He grabs a handful of silverware and brings it all over to the table. Dream stands up to help him set everything on the table and they all immediately dig in.

"So how was the trip?" George asks, letting his gaze linger on Dream before looking back down to his plate.

"It was great. I mean who doesn't like sitting on a plane for twelve something hours?" Sapnap asks, innocently. George rolls his eyes and Dream snorts into his juice.

"Eleven and yeah, the flight sucked. Sap was literally the most annoying. There was this poor lady sitting next to us and this idiot thought it was a clever idea to slam his head on the table for some fucking reason. She was looking at us like we were the most impolite people on the planet." Dream looks at the man across from him, wearing an unimpressed look on his face.

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