699 30 28

Damn. Well, that's it! I can't believe it's really over.

This was such a fun project to take on and I appreciate everyone who commented and voted they really do mean the world. This was my first work so thank you for bearing with me as I tried to figure out both my writing style and honestly this website in general.

Final word count: 76, 597

To put that into perspective, The Great Gatsby, The Notebook, and The Fault in Our Stars are about 50k-60k words so good job getting through this long-ass fic shawty :)

If you get anything out of reading this, please let it be as follows. Live your life to the fullest because you only get one chance. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.

Also please consider following as I will be posting new works hopefully soon! ❤️

I love all you beautiful people, take care >3

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