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Haha...buckle up!


Sapnap jumps a bit as the door slams in front of him. He turns back to see Dream striding down the hall towards his bedroom. A few minutes later, he comes out with a fresh pair of clothes on, walking past him to the door.

"Where are you going?" Sapnap asks as Dream slams his heel into his laced shoes.

The blonde rolls his eyes, pocketing his cellphone. "Is he the only one who can leave?" With that, the door slams in his face a second time, and Sapnap is left alone in the large apartment wondering what he did to deserve this.

He taps his fingers against the cool marble in contemplation before lifting himself up, walking over to the living room. He picks Dream's laptop up off the table and stares at it for a second before shaking his head and sitting down on the couch, balancing the device on his knees.

It whirs as he turns it on and puts in Dream's password, waiting for the technology to reboot. The fastest solution to solve all of this crap was to remove the issue in the first place. Plus, Dream never hesitated to do everything he could if something happened to him. The least he could do was return the favor.

And it's not like he had anything better to do while his friends were having their little temper tantrum anyway.

Sapnap clicks on the specified file, looking back to the tweet to confirm the speed run. He then opens the private message listing the few points that deemed it "invalid" as the mods called it.

"Hi, this is Nick. I'm known as Sapnap on the YouTube platform. I'm here to talk about Dream's run that recently got rejected." He waits for a moment before sending them an ID.

"No, I'm here on his behalf. I would like to discuss the list of topics that were sent to him publicly as the reason for termination of one of his speed runs."

He worked with the moderators for close to two hours, going through each point and debunking it, sending evidence from the video already submitted. There was either someone who didn't like Dream working on the inside, or it was a genuine mistake.

He turned out to be right. A few of the moderators were biased against Dream and had made up a bunch of bullshit. It had made his job easier defending the man, but it still pissed him off immeasurably.

"No, that's ok. We're not the assholes a lot of the internet likes to portray us as. But we would like a public statement clearing up the confusion as early as possible." He sighs as the moderator apologizes, clicking his pen against the table. At this point, people were already beginning to defend Dream but he still needed a written statement confirming that his friend's run is legitimate.

"Sure, thank you. Have a nice day." Sapnap glances at the clock as he puts down the phone, leaning his aching back against the cool leather. At least that was over.

He listens to the thundering rain against the glass windows surrounding him, just beginning to close his eyes as his phone dings. Cursing, he gets back up and reaches forward toward the table, plucking his cellphone off the smooth surface.

Dream: (Location from 7/16)

Sapnap makes a face at the screen and clicks the link. A location? Dream's location. He zooms in one the map, squinting at the foreign sounding road name. No, it was an alley. Sapnap stands up and speed dials Dream, pressing his phone into his ear in anticipation.



Dream slams the penthouse door, getting concerned looks from people in the elevator as he stares at the numbers counting down to the lobby. He bursts out of the doors, inhaling the cool humid air of the early evening.

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