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Ok I know George doesn't have a driver's license but I'm a dumbass and forgot that while writing this. I also realize this is way too late to mention that, but again I'm a dumbass

Also Snapmap is 21 in this ;)


"Hello, can I get a tube of antibiotic ointment? Travel size please." George breathes, calming his racing heart from running all the way from the car to inside the pharmacy.

"Seven pounds please." The tired cashier tells him monotonously, reaching behind him to grab the product.

"Thank you, keep the change!" George calls, dashing out the store after he slaps the money on the surface. He throws the driver's seat door open and tosses the ointment into his backpack in the back next to Sapnap. "Are we still on time?" He asks, pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"Let's hope there isn't a huge line in security." Dream says, glancing at his phone. They would only reach 45 minutes before their departure time. He wasn't too worried though. There probably aren't many people with flights at 11 PM.

Frown lines deepen on George's lips as he grips the steering wheel and pushes down on the gas pedal. It would really suck if they missed their flight. He adjusts his slender silver frames on the bridge of his nose. As much as pushing his glasses up every few minutes was annoying, dry eyes on a flight would be worse so he was just going to have to deal with it.

"Who's idea was it to choose the flight at midnight?" Sapnap asks, his tone laced with annoyance.

"Dude we never go to bed before 12 anyway." Dream points out. Sapnap huffs and leans back in his seat.

The car drove on in comfortable silence. George slowly exhales through his nose, taking the moment to observe his passing surroundings. He personally loved the night. He had been told that everything is cast with a yellowish glow on the highway past dusk. It gave him a small sense of security knowing he could at least see close to what everyone else was seeing for once.

A little more than twenty minutes later they arrived at the Brighton local airport. He was incredibly relieved that they were at least able to find a flight to Pisa from his local airport because another hour and a half drive would have sucked. They decided they would take a taxi or Uber to their hotel in Florence since they couldn't find a direct flight.

The three step out of the car and Dream takes a picture of their parking spot, taking note of their floor number. Sapnap opens the trunk and they take out their large suitcases plus the small carry-on suitcase that carried many of their combined essentials. George shoulders his backpack and they all grab their respective luggage with the exception of Dream who had the smaller case in his other hand.

"Gimme." Sapnap says as they walk into the elevator, taking the carry-on from Dream while George was trying to figure out where to go. "Don't irritate that and complain about it later." He shrugs, gesturing to Dream's bandaged finger. The taller man nods.

"Ok we check our bags on the third floor and then take the escalator up to security." George murmurs, pressing the button. The doors slide open to reveal a blissfully serene airport. Only a few groups of people were visible, moving sluggishly across the glossy floors that reflected the man-made fluorescents above. Sapnap points to the weighing scales and they walk briskly over, making quick small talk with the man at the counter, thankfully getting rid of their heavy suitcases.

"To security we go." Dream exclaims, leading the way to the brightly lit up escalators.

"How fun would it be to ride down these railings?" Sapnap asks, looking down as the few people below them get smaller and smaller.

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