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Just pulled an all-nighter for this chapter...was it worth it? Hopefully yes.

George wakes up the next morning with a major headache. He reaches for his bedside table, only to realize he was on the wrong side, and falls off. Catching himself with his hands, he groans and shakes his head trying to clear his spinning vision. He stumbles to the bathroom and pops an Aspirin, resting his hands against the sink until the lightheadedness stops.

After taking a quick shower he brushes his teeth, taking extra time as he realized he had fallen asleep before doing so the previous night.

He walks back into the bedroom and to his closet, changing his shirt but leaving his sweats on. George steps around Dream and sits on the edge of the bed, careful not to wake Sapnap.

He grabs his phone that was half-drained off the floor and checks the time, 11:45 AM. He should probably go grab some brunch for them then.

He glances at Sapnap who was snoring softly and then at Dream who was shivering due to the lack of a blanket. What an idiot. George walks out into the living room and grabs the spare blanket on the couch. He enters the room and tosses the blanket on top of him.

Back in the living room, he sends a brief text in the group chat just in case they wake up before he's back and locks the door behind him.

Sapnap awakes to the stupid sun shining through his skull and into his brain. Everything was against him. Shoving the comforter off of himself, he sends a glare at the open blinds before heading to the bathroom. He washes his face and walks back to the bed, only noticing then that George was nowhere to be found.

Heh, Georgenotfound.

Sapnap steps around his sleeping friend and checks the apartment, finding nothing. Frowning, he goes back into the bedroom and looks for his phone, only to find it dead. Well, this morning was going perfectly.

"Dream. Dream, wake up." Sapnap says, shaking his shoulder. The other man squints his eyes open and groans when he realizes who it is.

"Few more minutes."

"Dude I can't find George and my phone is dead. What's your password again?" Sapnap asks, grabbing the phone from the charger.

"Hm sure yeah." Dream answers, not paying attention to a word Sapnap was saying.

Sapnap tilts his head in annoyance, looking at him for a second. He then makes the executive decision of flicking Dream in the face until he opens his eyes, shoving the phone in front of him and unlocking it with Face ID. "You can go back to sleep now."

"Ow you dick, can't now." Dream says, running a hand down his face. "What's happening?"

"Probably nothing," Sapnap replies. He's about to click the phone app when he notices Dream has a few texts. He opens the app and is relieved to find a text from George in the group chat amongst them.

George to you and Sapnap: I'm out getting brunch. I doubt you guys will wake up before I get back but if you do, don't freak out.

Dream: Too late-Sapnap

Dream: My phone died...was just a little alarmed

Sapnap hands the phone back to the taller man and grabs his own phone off the bed, plugging it into Dream's charger.

"So what do we do today?" Dream asks, scrolling through Instagram.

"Well, you can start by emailing my plane ticket to me. Look at me, I didn't even need my reminder." Sapnap says proudly.

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