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A whole week flew by before the three knew it. They saw the beauty of Italy for all its worth and the trio almost got sick of the fresh local cuisine, almost.

They visited the Boboli Gardens, which even with his color blindness, George found unforgettable. They watched as the flora danced in the wind, a performance displaying the many vibrant hues. The sculpted shrubs were skillfully detailed, leaving them in awe of the craftsmanship.

They went around looking at the amazing architecture, making sure they saw all the iconic buildings on their bucket list. After Palazzo Vecchio and the Medici Palace, Dream and George got sick of Sapnap falling asleep on his feet and let him stay at Karl's, where he happily played video games with the college students.

They had come back from a long day of walking around the city to a giddy Sapnap waiting for them.

"They play Minecraft, that's it, I'm moving here." Sapnap says, as they open the door.

Dream huffs tiredly as he throws his sneakers off and walks past him. "You are so lame Sap."

"Damn what's wrong with him?' Sapnap jokes, looking at George.

"Our feet hurt, we've been walking for ages." The Brit mentions. "Do they play on any servers?"

"No, well Karl doesn't. He said he wants to though. But, Ranboo and Techno speed-run sometimes for fun." He says, following the brunette and sitting on the couch next to him.

"You told them about YouTube?" Dream asks.

"No, no." Sapnap is quick to reply. "I just mentioned you liked to speed-run Minecraft too when they asked."

"Hold off on telling them until later. I'd rather we get to know them a bit better first before telling them everything." George advises.

"I know, I know." Sapnap rolls his eyes.

Despite Sapnap's protests they dragged him to see Ponte Vecchio at sunset, Dream remembering Nico's advice to arrive before 8:30. They strolled along a small commuter bridge, dodging the numerous tourists bustling up and down the paved asphalt.

"Damn, look!" Sapnap exclaims, pointing to their right. They ran over to the railing and gazed at the three stone arches that rose gracefully from the water. It looked like the whole thing was straight from a fairytale. Dream marvels at the floating rainbow colored buildings that were suspended from the side, the clear water reflecting the image like a mirror.

He glances over at George who was still staring at the sight, mostly concentrating on the water that flowed in minuscule waves, crashing mesmerizingly against the side of the stone. Dream felt into the back of his shorts and grabbed the colorblind glasses he had stuffed into his pocket, nudging his friend's shoulder and handing the lenses to him.

"Where did you get these?" George exclaims, eyes widening at the glasses in Dream's palm.

"I saw them sitting on your table back in your apartment and decided to grab them. I actually forgot about them until this morning." The blonde admits. "Put them on."

The Brit slips them on, looking back at the arched bridge. He gasps and lifts them up, switching between his normal vision and the enhanced glasses. He looks back noticing the silence to find his friends looking at him with smiles on their faces. "Oh shut up." He rolls his eyes, shoving them both away from him.

"One day when there's a way to completely fix your color blindness, we'll come back here so you can see the real thing." Sapnap murmurs, again entranced by the architecture that glowed with the slowly waning sun.

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