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I deserve to get bullied on how badly edited the image is but I tried ok? 😭

I try not to look at the number of views because that shit scares me, but almost 800 reads and the freaking book isn't even completed yet?!?! I'm so incredibly blessed and I appreciate every one of you that gave this a chance. Writing is truly a passion of mine and to see people interested to the point of actually clicking on my book in the midst of so many talented works is surreal.

Alright, monologue is out of my system, here's a nice and fluffy chapter..if you need a visual, check out the cover ;)


George simply doesn't understand it. Back home, twenty-four hours often felt like months, completing the same routine over and over again with little change day to day. Streaming was the only thing that would help it go by faster, but even then, sometimes the clock moved incredibly slow. The one week that he wants the clock to travel backward instead of forward, it seems to skip by days in a single minute.

However, he and Dream had utilized every day like it was their last, the reality of having to separate hitting them hard in the final few. They had quickly gotten used to physical affection as though it had been wired into them all along, they had just needed to unlock it. George was slower to develop his confidence in the relationship but for once, he got past it. Dream could work miracles like that.

"One more day." George murmurs, leaning back on Dream's chest as they look at the city bathed in a beautiful morning glow.

"No talking about that." Dream shakes his head.

The Brit pulls at his bottom lip with uncertainty. "What do you want to talk about then?"

The blonde can't resist leaning down, placing a long kiss to the other's lips. He pulls away a few centimeters, smiling as he stares at George's face that seemed to glow brighter than the diamonds in the shop across from their hotel.

"What?" George grins, smiling lazily up at him.

"That face," Dream suppress his idiotic, dopey grin he knew was about to overtake his face. "That smile. Your eyes get all scrunched up and you get those dimples, I honestly have no idea how I held out for two weeks." He admits.

"I'm happy." George gives him a soft, meaningful smile. It was harder to acknowledge something so simple than he thought. "You make me happy." He says honestly.

He watches Dream's eyes twinkle, exhaling at the beautiful red flooding the lightly freckled cheeks. George pulls himself together, gagging at himself jokingly. "That was cheesy wasn't it?"

"Just a little." The blonde snorts.

"Oh shut up." George rolls his eyes, wrapping himself in Dream's arms, soft and warm from the baby-blue hoodie he was wearing. He feels the other hook his chin between his neck and collar bone, feeling laughter vibrate into his skin.


They both jump, immediately twirling around. "Jeez Sapnap." Dream laughs, a hand slapped against his chest.

George's eyebrows furrow over his dark eyes. "Why are you still here? I thought you were going to take Karl out for something?"

Sapnap shrugs, his shoulders slumped over. "I didn't call him." He says, walking over to them and glancing over the railing.

"What? Why? Did something happen?" Dream asks anxiously.

"No dude chill." Sapnap chuckles. "I don't know. We came here to hang out and I haven't been spending as much time with you guys so,"

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