The morning after

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Your head was pounding.

You groaned as you rolled over. Even with your eyes closed, you could feel the morning sun mercilessly shining down on you through your eyelids.

Your throat was dry and your tongue felt too big for your mouth, you could tell you fell asleep without removing your makeup by the way your lashes seemed to resist when you moved to crack one eye open. They were nearly fused together by the clumped waterproof mascara you foolishly applied before going out.

You went to nuzzle your face deeper into your navy blue pillow when you remembered you did not own a navy blue pillow. Your bedding was grey.

Body ridgid, you took in the plush king-sized bed that was far nicer than your own and smelled enticingly of a spiced cologne.

This is Hoseok's fault.  You thought bitterly as you recalled his promise that he wouldn't allow any one-night stands. He abandoned you and left you helpless to be lured by some sexy stranger.

The muzzy fog in your head made it hard for you to recall what happened last night and what events led you to this bed.

Memories or not, you had to get out quick.

You hopped out of bed, your head spinning and sore body protesting as you made your way to the windows.

Your smooth thighs brushed together and you looked down to see you were not in your clothes from last night, but instead, an oversized olive green tee shirt that hung just above your knees.

You admit it's more modest than what you wore last night, but being in a mystery lover's clothing did leave you unsettled. You pat your bottom for a moment and smile in victory when you confirm your panties were still on.

You continued your dizzying journey to the window, now more bodily aware. Your hangover wasn't the worst you've ever experienced, you didn't feel sick, but the way your head throbbed was unmatched by any other headache you've experienced before. And you were blinded when you pulled back the window shade slightly to peer through the glass to try to get a check on your location. 

Squinting against the morning light you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach as you took in the familiar rose garden that lined the back of the Den's property.

It felt like cold water was poured down your back at the potential idea that you weren't in a stranger's bed, but in one of the members of BTS.

Your mind was reeling as you tried to remember how you ended up here.

What had happened last night?

Suddenly, you became aware of a lack of noise aside from the throbbing in your skull.

With a creak of a faucet handle and the groan of the pipes in the walls, you heard the shower come to a stop in the connecting bathroom.

Your heart raced as the chance of facing your dance partner of the night came closer.

Ready to just bite the bullet and face your doom, you made your way to the bathroom door and knocked lightly before pushing it open.

"Hey I'm so-AHHHHHH!"

"AHHHHHHHH!" Taehyung shouted back at you as he struggled to wrap his towel around his waist.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" You cried as you pulled the door shut.

Your breathing hitched in panic, and you struggled to slow it in your flustered state. After a moment of hearing him shuffle around the bathroom, you knocked again, louder this time.

"Are you decent?" You called hesitantly.

You swear you could hear his smirk through the door as he responded, "Morally? No. But if you're wondering if I have pants on, yeah, you're good."

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