A Can of Soup

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I'm back bitches

Jungkook fidgeted as he followed the nurse into the post operations room. He had just woken up after pulling an all-nighter with a task force to sabotage two of the Black Tips construction sites when he got the call from Hoseok tasking him with picking you up and watching over you for the rest of the evening.  He has barely seen you since the kiss over a week ago, working day and night with RM to recover from the shooting and the warehouse raid.  He was so caught up in the gang's affairs he forgot that you were even due to get your wisdom teeth removed.

You and Jungkook have only seen each other in passing at the bakery once in over a week. Where the two of you had an uncomfortably short and awkward conversation and made the mutual agreement to not let the others find out about the kiss. Mainly for Jungkook's safety because he was pretty sure Hoseok would use him for target practice if he found out. Jimin was sworn to secrecy and Taehyung..

Well that was another conversation Jungkook was due to have but dreaded approaching.

He still felt queasy at the thought of having to talk out his feelings with his brother'        . But V had insisted he was fine and was quick to volunteer himself to go under deep cover to keep a better eye on the Black Tips from the 6th ward. No one in the inner circle has seen him in four days. Only Jin, who got daily reports from his cousin, had any clue where he was each day.

And while Jungkook would always worry for his brother's safety, he was relieved to have V out of the picture. Especially while he was still trying to figure his own feelings out.

If he was honest with himself, Jungkook let his work keep him away this week. He didn't even know what to say to you or how he was supposed to feel after the kiss.

Saints, that kiss was amazing.

He knew one thing: he liked you, a lot and he loved spending time with you, but he had no clue how the kiss impacted your relationship. He didn't know if he could have a relationship beyond what the two of you already had. Or if he was capable of giving you the affection and support you deserved.

Jungkook has had partners and flings in the past, but none of them went very deep. They were mostly other members of BTS whom he trained and had a short fling with until they got settled in their assignment, and realized they wanted someone more emotionally available to call a partner. Once the thrill of dating a gang member wore off, he had a hard time keeping the attention of any female in his life.

And that was on a good day. Now, Jungkook was navigating the beginnings of a gang war, and you were trying to finish medical school. How could either of you even try for a relationship? Especially when your dreams and ambitions conflicted so much. Jungkook shot people and sold drugs. Your job was to help people recover from the damage he inflicted. Any thoughts of being with you triggered a moral dilemma he often worked himself to mind-numbing exhaustion to avoid thinking about.

You were still fighting the effects of the anesthesia when the nurse-led Jungkook into the room. Slouching in a wheelchair with your head drooping a little too far to the right, your cheeks were so puffed up from the swelling and cotton that it was past the point of adorable and more comical.

You were also drooling.

"Y/N, your friend is here to take you home." The nurse cooed at you as if she were talking to a child. You sat upright immediately, grimacing as you attempted a smile but your eyes squinting to show your excitement all the same.

Jungkook stood awkwardly in the doorway with a small bag of your personal items from the nurse in one hand, and a can of soup in the other not knowing what to do with himself. Jungkook was clueless as to what to expect when Hoseok called him, he just knew he ate soft foods after he got his cavity filled once and figured you might want soup if you were hungry.

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