blood debts run deeper

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Jungkook calmed his breathing, grabbing the pillow barrier to instead place on his lap as he reminded himself that the bakery was attacked. Hoseok had no clue that Jungkook was just kissing his best friend and that he was not in danger.

"Hobi!" you were up in an instant, ignoring his foul temper as you wrapped your arms around him.

He caught your embrace effortlessly, his eyes tracking you and then noting Jungkook and his new emotional support pillow as he squeezed you tightly before letting you step back.

"Are you okay?" you both ask in unison before cracking a smile.

"I'm fine I just had to lay low. What happened at the bakery tonight?" Hoseok pushed.

Your smile faltered for a moment. "There was an ambush, they didn't touch me. I can't say the same for them, but they'll be fine." you started.

Hoseok's brow rose at your implication, "You took out four of the Black Tips best men?" he asked. He didn't sound disbelieving, he sounded... impressed and maybe a little proud.

"Only two, and I wouldn't call them the best. Why are you here if you're in hiding?" you asked, ignoring the way his approval warmed you chest. "And why were you in hiding? And when did you dye your hair?" you pushed. Reaching up to touch the murky black locks. It was obviously box-dyed and barely covered the bright red it was days earlier.

Hoseok smiled tight-lipped before moving to the couch, "I'll tell my story if you promise to tell yours when Jin and RM get back." He offered.

You refrained from pointing out that the reason you were at the Den in the first place was to do exactly that. You were too eager to get some answers from Hoseok. Who quickly filled you in on the details of the fake assassination attempt that ended in a not-so-fake assassination charge. That led to Hoseok and Yoongi hiding out in some shitty safe house an hour outside the city, living off Raman noodles and re-dying their hair to more subtle colors. 

By time Hoseok had finished, the other members of BTS began filing in. Hoseok told you they had only been called out of hiding so Yoongi could manage the video footage of the bakery and nearby security cameras for the police department and insurance claims.  Jin wanted to edit out any evidence of a gang-related interrogation, or else their relationship was going to get a lot more complicated with the local authorities.

But apparently, there was no need. Yoongi was fuming when he returned from his office, informing the others that while the security cameras were able to stream live footage to their system, the memory had been wiped from BTS's computers.

He still had to cover their tracks of abducting the Black Tips on any city cameras. But otherwise the gang was relying on you as the sole witness to the night's events.

Well, you and the four Black Tip members who attacked you. The men were currently stored away in a safe house under the greenhouse on the Den's property. But with the excessive exposure to Jimin's smoke, there was a chance their memories would be unreliable, if not nonexistent.

Jimin couldn't even estimate a wake time for the men due to the level of gas they inhaled. It could be days before anyone could get answers out of them.

When Jin and Jimin finally returned from filing their reports to the authorities, everyone settled in the living room to hear your account. You recalled the night's events as detailed as possible, telling them how the man in the suit tried to buy your loyalty from BTS and describing him to the best of your ability.

To your relief, they all listened quietly while you spoke, and when you were done, it was V who helped you fill in any gaps you may have missed by prompting you with questions. His presence was steady and soothing, and you realized he was giving you a glimpse of the spider at work. The others didn't dare interrupt him or ask their own questions, they trusted him to gather every drop of information.

What did the man in the suite look like?

Did he ask about BTS's current movements?

What 'sins against the city' did he want to hold BTS responsible for?

What information did he want you to report back?

You didn't have any answers to half of those questions, confessing you spent most of your time stalling and trying to get the man to reveal why he was bribing you of all people. You were convinced at the time that the alarm had alerted BTS of your situation and that they would arrive at any minute. The thought of the man getting away didn't seem like a possibility.

And a small part of you, despite promising yourself you owed BTS nothing outside of your contract, couldn't help but feel like this oversight was a failure on your part. Somehow, you let the gang down.

Jin clarified that the alarm had been disabled along with the cameras hours prior to the break-in. It was by luck and V's intel that they managed to get to you when you did.

"And isn't that a big fucking problem?" Hoseok growled, unable to stay quiet any longer.

He stepped forward, glaring in Jin and Jimin's direction, "Do you realize how irresponsible it was to schedule her on a closing shift alone." He accused.

"Hobi, it's fine I worked late all the time at my last job," you started trying to diffuse the situation.

Everyone in the room refrained from pointing out how well that had gone for you.

"No, it's not fine. This isn't like your other job. What if they tried to get information from her at that moment, and she had nothing to give? What if V didn't call in time? There are a thousand different ways this could have gone wrong. She is not a member of this gang," Hoseok snapped.

You flinched slightly at his tone.

"She doesn't have the tattoo. Debt and favors aside, she should not be this deep in BTS's affairs. She should not be alone in our businesses. That bakery is a cover for Jimin's lab and loitering drug money. Why the hell would you think it okay to leave her alone there?" He continued.

Jin's face was like a stone as Hoseok lectured him, not wanting his own emotions to invalidate his brothers. "You're right." Jin agreed, and you could see the full weight of tonight's events take a toll on him as his shoulders sagged and he turned to you with guilt in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I put you in danger, Ella. We will never let it happen again." Jin promised his voice was soft but earnest.

"It sure as hell won't because she's not working for you anymore." Hoseok snapped.

"That's not your call to make," you argued.

Hoseok turned to you, frustration evident on his face, "Do not fight me on this. You know tonight was too dangerous."

"She was the dangerous part of tonight. She was fine." Jungkook pushed, standing next to you.

"Stay out of this!" You and Hoseok snapped in unison.

Jungkook's face puckered like he tasted something sour, but he sat back on the couch's arm.

"Tonight, you were lucky that man wanted you alive. He could change his mind at any point why can't you see the danger in that."

"I'm bound by contract to keep working off my debt," you argued as you turned to RM for backup. 

RM crossed his arms, taking in you and Hoseok as he contemplated his response.

"Blood debt runs deeper than civil law," Hoseok said before his leader could voice his opinion. And a tense stillness fell across the room.

"Have you forgotten she's on the No Harm List? That we are supposed to be willing to die for her." he pushed. The whole gang's demeanor changed at the reminder Jimin downcast his gaze as his shame sank into his gut.

"I don't want that," you pushed, horrified, "Take me off the list I don't - I did not ever want that."

"Daewon, please, why won't you let me protect you!"

The room fell quiet as his sister's name echoed through the room.

A/N: perpetually heartbroken for Hobi 💔

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