New Normal

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"Did something happen on the bus? Did someone touch you?" He asked in a whisper, disgust clear in his voice.

"Hobi, no. I didn't even take the bus." You argued, still not meeting his stare.

Fury filled Hoseok, seeing you seem so defenseless, so defeated. "Y/N, if you tell me what happened, I can take care of it. I can help you" He pushed, basically pleading for you to give him a name, a location, something.

At that offer, you finally met his eyes, looking up, shocked, "I don't want you to take care of it, Hoseok, not like that," you said. Your voice was soft, but the order was clear.

"I didn't mean-" Hoseok suddenly stopped and remembered himself, and the position he was currently in. He recognized the fear and uncertainty in your eyes and understood he could partially be responsible for it. He couldn't risk scaring you away before he even got you back.

Nodding in agreement, he leaned back into his booth and took a deep breath, counting to 10 to quell the fire in him, before he met your eyes again. "You're right, I'm sorry," he said with a sweet smile.

You would be lying if you said seeing Hoseok turn off his anger like that didn't make you uneasy. It just served as a reminder that there was a whole other side to your best friend that you didn't quite know. A side that was capable of things that gave you goosebumps and made your stomach turn.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom to dry off," you said, inspecting the damp ends of your hair. You were willing to try and dry it under the hand dryer if it could do anything to conserve your warmth.

Hoseok nodded, watching as you grabbed both your phone and keys to go to the restroom and waiting for you to be out of sight before he grabbed his phone. 

Hoseok was willing to drop his angry state for your sake, but for his own peace of mind, he needed to know what happened. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and checked it under the table, opening his group chat with the inner circle to demand a report from whoever was trailing you this afternoon. But he unlocked his phone to find that Jungkook already responded to his earlier query.

JK: Ella was followed this afternoon. I took care of it. V and I are taking him to the bakery to chat.

JK: Did she make it to the Diner?

J-Hope: Yes. Any clue why he trailed her?

JK: No, I'll have a full report tonight. Do you need back up?

J-Hope: She's safe with me. I'll stay with her tonight.

Jin: JK, I'm headed your way.

You returned to the booth a few minutes later, the edges of your hair frizzing but thankfully dry. In that time, by some miracle, Hoseok managed to compose himself, but he still felt on edge as he watched you settle back in your seat. He didn't know what was upsetting him more, the fact that someone was targeting and following you.

Or the fact that you didn't tell him.

Hoseok knew he didn't deserve your trust right now. Still, he liked to think after everything the two of you had been through together, everything he had done to protect you, would have made you willing, to be honest with him. 

There was a moment of heavy silence that fell over the table, and the two of you were floundering to fill it. Hoseok tried his hardest to keep his face neutral so you wouldn't pick up on his change of mood, but you were aware of the way his jaw clenched. You were just about to ask if he got bad news when your usual waitress, Windy, approached the table.

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