Tater Tot

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J-Hope was on the seventh floor of the Lumi hotel along the main street of Alcor's garden district. He watched through the sight on his gun as bright colored convertibles inched by for the parade. The streets were packed, lined with masses of people cheering and begging for shiny, free plastic to be tossed their way.

"Three minutes until showtime" Suga's voice buzzed in the earpiece

"Got it," J-Hope said as he adjusted the long range gun on his shoulder waitin for the red convertible with his target to inch a little closer. He was a large pot bellied man with a winning smile and immaculate styled hair. Despite his handsome aging face even from a distance J-Hope could see how his blue eyes gleamed with greed. 

J-Hope had thoroughly built his notorious reputation as one of the best sharpshooters in Alcor, possibly the entire nation of Kros, over the years and was often hired out to do work outside of BTS for other organizations and politicians.

He's selective about what missions he accepts. He learned his lesson after the loss of his sister, and since then built his trade with care and now takes the time to understand his clients and their motives. J-Hope learned the hard way what it cost to be a mindless soldier behind a gun, and what happens when the family members of his more dangerous victims seek revenge. He has sworn to never again make the mistake of pulling the trigger under unquestioned orders. He would not let one of his loved ones face the consequences of his actions. And even goes as far as to ensure there is extra care in how he receives his payment and often requires the payment to be made in advance through the Bulletproof casino to prevent any evidence from being traced back to him or his family.

After some intensive research, J-Hope couldn't deny he was excited about the mission RM gave to him. It was ideal. Making a scene but no loss of life.

Tate Hyde was a local, asshole politician worried about his reelection, since an opposing smear campaign against him had gained traction in Alcor. After dubbing him "tater tot," his approval rates and ego have both deflated, so he hired out J-Hope to make a 'public attempt on his life' during a parade celebrating the opening of the new school.

Tatertot thinks being attacked during one of his few selfless acts will stir up some good press.

Luckily J-Hopes pay wasn't dependent upon the outcome of the public's reaction.

"One minute" Sugas voice crackled in his ear

J-hope asked "Did you take down the cameras?"

While a scene like this is totally staged; it's for nothing if it doesn't seem real. And lucky for BTS, stirring up some trouble in the Garden District would take some heat off of BTS, or at least spread the cops thin, turning their focus on protecting local politicians and as a result, getting less of them to look into the shooting at the Bulletproof.

The Black Tips also managed a few of the construction projects in the area. Any increased investigation on active gangs in the area might be bad for their business, and right now BTS was taking any swing they could at the Black Tips.

Namjoon was willing to play the game and tear them down brick by brick.
"Rolling on loop now" Suga confirmed.

J-hope still has to get himself out of the area without being caught. So Suga came along for back up. He'll be taking down any surveillance that could possibly pick up his identity, and help him navigate his way out the building.

J-Hope took aim and let out a warning shot first, making sure to lodge it in the trunk of the convertible so it wouldn't hit any witnesses. Piss poor aim was another way to protect his identity J-Hope thought smugly to himself.

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