Energy drinks and power naps

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Your strategy was to hold off on the energy drinks, and wait until you were feeling unbearably sleepy. Apparently, that tipping point for you was eight episodes later, around 2 am when you found yourself drifting.

At some point, you and Jungkook had scooted close enough together that you could lean your head onto his shoulder. Jungkook didn't mind the closeness, and surprisingly wasn't made nervous by it, either.

"Do you need an energy drink?" He offered, as the eighth episode of season two ended, he shifted to reach for the remote, and the motion caused your head to slide off his shoulder and down his arm in what looked like a terribly uncomfortable position.

"Mmm, no, I just need a minute, keep watching." You grumbled.

He huffed a laugh as the opening credits played and reached to reposition you. "You're going to hurt your neck like that," he tutted.

"'M fine," you slurred, unable to pry your eyelids open.

Jungkook reached for a pillow, placing it on his lap before laying your head to rest on his thigh. He didn't want to keep you up if you didn't want to, but he was also enjoying his time with you and didn't want to end the party too soon.

His selfish side and good friend side found a compromise and decided he would give you around twenty minutes or so to wake yourself up.

Jungkook found in his time spent with you, that you were very good at power naps.

Like freakishly effective.

In your time as a pre-med student, after four years of pulling nearly regular all-nighters, you had mastered the technique of resetting yourself and seeming like a normally functioning person after just 20 minutes of sleep.

The even more shocking part was that you were able to shamelessly nap in public when you were on campus for a long amount of time.

You had once bragged to Jungkook about your talent, even told him your favorite hiding spots to take naps on campus.

This of course, caused Jungkook to immediately become very concerned about your sleeping habits. But you assured him it was actually a handy skill to have in the medical field where you would one day be working potentially 28-hour shifts at a time.

So he let you rest, trusting that you would be able to wake yourself again easily by the end of the episode.

But Jungkook couldn't bring himself to focus on the show; instead, he caught himself staring at your sleeping face, very intently. You looked so peaceful, he knows the past few weeks, hell the past few months have been draining for you. He knows that he basically turned your life upside down the moment you decided to save him, but the more selfish side of him says that you're okay with it.

That you enjoy the bakery and spending time with him, and all the other guys. And that if you hadn't crashed into Jungkook's life you might've not even been able to get your masters if RM couldn't give you the loan. But he also knew this was the more selfish part of him trying to justify his presence in your life.

Jungkook reached down to brush a lock of hair out of your face and was surprised to find despite the waves and curls that it was soft. He brushed his hands through the locks carefully, tracing the coils of your curls. He found himself too caught up in his own thoughts to be able to focus on the show as he weaved his way in and out of the guilt he felt for barging into your life. You saved his life, and he wanted to give you everything in return, but so far he's only complicated it and endangered you more times than you even knew.

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