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Hey lovelies!

This weekends update was delayed bc I'm in a bit of a writing slump.I wrote about 4 or 5 chapters and scraped it all bc I was not happy with the pacing of them.

And I will not share work that I'm not proud of.

I want to give you guys something you can enjoy reading. And I know I picked a really shitty spot to hit a slump. But I'm at a very pivotal plot point in the story and that's why it's important I get it right.

In the meantime, I've been reflecting on my writing hoping to find places to improve while I hammer out these updates and decided to put out a survey.

It's optional of course and you don't have to answer every question. But any and all feedback is welcome! It will kinda feel like we're improving the story together!

I ask that you use kind words bc I am sensitive


Who is your favorite character in No Harm List? Why?

Did the story hold your interest from the very beginning?

Do you think the story is paced well? At what point did you feel like it was dragging?

Who is your least favorite character? (And why is it Namjoon?)

Are you here for the action or the romance? Or the chemistry lessons?

Are you team Jungkook or are you rooting for another member (cough cough Tae)?

Was the intent and direction of the story clear or were you confused at some points?

Were there any parts of the story that frustrated you? Do you think the plot could have been achieved without them?

Is there anything unnecessarily uncomfortable in the book? Too much violence?

Are you okay with the pacing of the romance aspect of the book?

Was Jungkook and Ella's kiss too steamy??

Who is your favorite ship in the story?

Who do you want to see more of in the story?

Is Ella relatable to read? If not is she still interesting?

Is there anything you would change about Ella?

If you could cut a scene which one would it be?

Do you ever go back to reread certain chapters? Which ones?

Are there certain settings of the story you enjoyed more than others?

If you could have any scene written from another characters POV what would it be?

Have you noticed any discrepancies in the timeline or plot holes?

Any tips on how to improve my writing style?
Note: I'm aware I write in Passive voice a lot of the time. That is an artistic decision and my preferred storytelling style.

The floor is now open for any:




That the questions might not have addressed.

Also: since Halloween is over we are now entering the winter holiday season!! Please go give my story TIMBER some love! ❄️🌲✨❤️📸

Thank you for your time

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