
6.4K 343 83

Jungkook stalked forward, his fist nearly trembling at his side, anticipating the next hit.

V smirked, pleased with the new development as he stood up and assumed his new role.

V will do the talking, but Jungkook needed to be the brawn today, something had him on edge.

Nox still hadn't replied, and V let his voice drop in warning as he said, "Unlike JK here, I don't repeat myself."

"The tides are changing in Alcorn, I'm playing a new game," Nox answered with a bloodstained smile.

V looked at JK, that's all it took before a fist met Nox in the gut, "That's a non-answer. Try again."

Nox doubled over, coughing in his chair, he wheezed as he tried to catch his breath. V looked un-bothered as he waited for the man to recover, twirling his tongue around his toothpick passively.

"Fuck," Nox coughed out, involuntary tears streaming down his face, "Why else does anyone join a gang? I wanted more connections, I needed protection."

"From who?" V pushed, Nox glared up at him and stiffened when JK took a step closer.

"Sylvia!" He barked out, "I landed a bad deal, and it pissed him off. So I joined the Black Tips to have someone at my back."

V's voice remained calm, but his eyes lit up, intrigued as he asked, "Why the Black Tips?"

Nox scoffed, "I'm sorry, are you guys recruiting?" Jungkook barely moved before he amended in fear, "They deal in my field a bit more. The Port off the 6th ward is where all my clientele docks, it was the best decision." The man was really sweating now as V slowly stripped him of that cocky facade from earlier.

V knew Nox's explanation was a lie; all things in Nox's line of business was dealt with in the hell pit they call the 9th ward and the islands just a few miles off its shore, not the 6th ward. He was ready to call him out for the lie when Jungkook interrupted him.

"What role does Ella have to play in this?"

V glared at him. Jungkook was really hung up on this girl for a reason V didn't quite understand. Clearly, the information V was working out of Nox was a bit more valuable to BTS than why he was following Ella around town.

"I told you, I just wanted a better look at the girl, I didn't know she was your little princess." Nox growled, mockery evident in his voice.

Wrong answer.

Jin entered the bakery with Jimin to the sound of a loud cry from the kitchen, followed by a few curses and moans. They sure weren't being discreet tonight, but the fact that their captive was still capable of moaning was a sign things might be going well. Jin could assume the opposite for the comfort of Y/N's stalker.

"Get out!" Taehyung roared from the kitchen.

"I'm going to see what's up," Jimin said.

"I'll hang back for an update," Jin answered. Jimin nodded at him in understanding.

Jin was thankful the guys were so accepting of the limits he set. After being a member of BTS for nearly 6 years, Jin's stomach still turns at the violence and brutality of it all. He much rather deals in business with passive-aggressive comments at cocktails parties or, on occasion, a little blackmail, not through blood and pain. The thought of torturing a person for information made him uneasy. Still, he has to admit, his collection of intel has benefited from their tactics.

There was a quick exchange before Jin saw V shoving Jungkook through the door. "You broke his fucking leg," V accused. "We'll be lucky to get him to respond now!"

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