A casual run from the cops

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A/N: sorry for such a delay on updates I had started both my jobs and had a ton of assignments at uni all at the start of February so it was kinda hectic. Anyways please vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

Your eyes widened in shock, but you still grinned as you watched V process that it was you.

"Whoa there, tiger," you chuckled, putting your hands up in defense.

"What the hell are you doing here," V demanded. It didn't take much for someone to grab a pretty girl like you off Pleasure Blvd and into one of the brothels to work. V told you as much.

"Relax, I'm perfectly fine, and besides I came here because I was looking for you," you said with a bright smile.

V's brow furrowed, "How did you find me?"

"I asked Jimin where you would be," you shrugged..

"You asked Jimin?" he questioned dumbfounded.

You nodded. They were roommates after all so it seemed the most obvious.

"And he told you?" he asked, trying to wrap his head around it.

Again, you nodded like this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know who is more stupid, Jimin for telling you where I am for work. OR you for coming out here. What do you even want?" He demanded, only a little outraged.

"I wanna buy drugs," You said simply, like you were asking him for a piece of gum, "Adderall, it's nearly finals week and I could use a little pick me up."

V looked to the sky in dismay as if he was questioning the gods what he did to deserve this, before sighing, "I'm not dealing today."

Your brow furrowed. "Oh, then what are you doing out here?" 

"I'm-" His sentence was cut short as he heard a familiar laughter echo in the lobby. Circe has a way of  even making her laugh sound suggestive, and he turned to see Officer Miller wrapping it up at the counter.  "Fuck," V cursed as he scrambled with his camera, but when he clicked to capture the picture he didn't hear the shutter snap. He looked at the screen only to be met with his own reflection.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck fuck" he chanted as he fittled to turn it on again.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"I need a picture of that cop," V answered, flustered.

You dug in your pocket for your phone, snapping pictures as Tae continued to fiddle with the camera, oblivious.

It came to light and he raised the lens to his face, capturing a perfect picture of Officer Miller as he turned and made eye contact with the camera.

Fuck, he was spotted.

"HEY!" The officer roared as he snatched his card from the redhead to march after V.

"We run right?" You asked as V started backing onto the sidewalk.

V merely nodded before you both turned, taking off down the street, Officer Miller hot on your heels.

The two of you struggled to stay together as you weaved through vendor booths lining the unending street.

You had to slow as the two of you got caught up in more of the crowd that had stopped around a street performer break dancing impressively atop a flattened cardboard box.

"Take off your jacket," you huffed as you yanked your Alcor U blue, ball cap off your head.

"What?" V questioned as you shuffled through the crowd. You looked over your shoulder to see the cop trying to shove his way through the crowd, eyes searching for the two of you. .

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