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"How is she?" Jin asked softly as he made his way into the living room.

The elder was still dressed in slacks and a button-up, his tie loosened around his neck, and Jungkook knew he came to check in between meetings.

"Okay I think, we just got in, but I need to change her dressing," Jungkook answered as he washed his hands.

Jin eyed the pill cutter on the counter and the pill sorter next to it. Jungkook must have been getting all your medication together in advance so he didn't miss anything.

"You'll do fine," Jin encouraged, noticing the Youtube video tutorial playing softly on his phone, explaining the process of how to change the gauze.

Jungkook nodded moving, to the couch to wake you.

"Can you stay for a minute? I made her cry earlier." Jungkook asked hesitantly.

Jin nodded, following the younger's lead as he made his way in the living room and tapped you softly to wake you.

"Ella, you gotta wake up," Jungkook sang in a sing song voice.

You cracked your eyes open, disoriented and Jin had to stifle a laugh at the sight of your chipmunk cheeks as you sat up.

"Can you take some medicine for me?" Jungkook asked, moving to cup the pills in your hand.

"If it's for you, you should take it, Kook." You mumbled back.

"You know what I mean, silly," he insisted as he guided the medication to your mouth. You eyed him suspiciously like you didn't know what he meant, but you didn't resist as he pressed the bottle of water against your lips.

"Hey, that's my boss!" You informed, as you noticed Jin.

"Y/N, good morning I heard you got your wisdom removed, how does it feel to be less wise?" Jin teased. You blinked owlishly up at him as you connected his words. Less wise? Shit, you really did get your wisdom removed.

Your eyes watered as the emotion bubbled up your throat and you let out a quiet sniffle. Jungkook swore under his breath as he raced for you.

"I told you to be careful, she's really sensitive." You were full-on crying now, hiccuping your ragged breaths. "Ella what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing your arm soothingly.

"I-I wanna be a doctor, but who wants a wise-less doctor. I have no wisdom to help them!" You sobbed in despair.

Jungkook glared at Jin, who could only smile sheepishly at your outburst. It seems the anesthesia was still taking its toll. The nurse had warned the side effects would make you emotional.


Watching over you was easier than Jungkook thought; once he got all your prescriptions sorted into one of those plastic pill sorters he picked up from the pharmacy, you mainly just slept.

You rode a pain pill haze most of the afternoon, drifting in and out of consciousness.

The room you were in was dim but not too dark or silent. You were tucked under a pile of blankets and a pillow that smelled like the best detergent.

You remember being woken up by Jungkook a few times, all soft bunny smiles and whispers as he tried to keep you calm and help you sit up so you could take your medicine, then trying to change the dressing in your mouth as gently as possible. He flinched as the tender movements still made your eyes water, but you nodded at him encouragingly as you gripped the edge of your shirt to ground yourself. He offered you food, but you drifted off before you could ever get around to eating it.

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