that's enough

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A/N: Hiii lovelies I know it had been literal years since I've properly updated. To avoid confusion you may want to go back a few chapters to refresh; I recommend 'World's Shittiest Job Offer.' Also some of the next few chapters may look familiar bc I re-wrote them. But I think you will like this version much better :)

A/N: Hiii lovelies I know it had been literal years since I've properly updated. To avoid confusion you may want to go back a few chapters to refresh; I recommend 'World's Shittiest Job Offer.' Also some of the next few chapters may look familiar bc I re-wrote them. But I think you will like this version much better :)

"Why did you avoid me after we kissed?" you asked again, your voice clear. You did not make yourself elaborate. You didn't tell him how you've felt lost and helpless these weeks. And if you could take it back, you would. But if you were honest with yourself, no part of you really wanted to.

You just looked at him expectantly and watched him squirm in the silence.

"Because.. I'm a coward," he offered, looking down at his hands.

Your silence was loud in the air between you, pressuring him to keep talking, "I was scared because BTS has already put you in so much danger already. I mean, we're not even dating, and you were basically held hostage."

"Don't pin this on me." you cut him off. You knew it was a valid point, but it wasn't his only reason for not talking to you. "Whether or not I endanger myself to date you is a decision for us to make. Why did you avoid me?" you asked again.

"I was scared. I was scared it was an impulsive or pity kiss after being shot. I was scared you didn't have feelings for me, so I avoided the rejection."

You quirked a brow in disbelief. Oh, sure, he was scared of you rejecting him.

"It's true!" he insisted.

"And I don't even know if I could date you," he added, and you felt a part of your chest ache at the confession.

"I don't know if I'm capable of dating with my lifestyle. It's not only a safety hazard, but I don't know if I'm capable of giving you any more of myself than I already have. I think about you all the time. And I love spending time with you. But our friendship, where we were before that kiss, it's all I know how to give people."

He turned to you, eyes searching your face for any signs of hurt or betrayal, but he couldn't read your expression as you quietly whispered, "And what if I told you that's enough?"

Jungkook parted his lips but was at a loss for words.

"I've never really dated," you explained, "And I don't think I know how to. And school is so stressful, and the program is only going to get more complex. I'm not sure I have time to learn and figure out the 'right' way to do it."  You paused as you saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you realized how contradictory you were sounding.

"I like you, Jungkook. I like what we have, and I liked kissing you. But before now, I didn't think I could date you. Not because of the whole 'gang' thing. But because I think-" your voice cracked, "I think something in me broke when I lost Daewon. I never," You paused to swallow.

"I will never let anyone in like that again because it hurt so bad when I lost her. And we weren't even together romantically. So, imagine how bad it would hurt to lose a partner?"  a hot tear rolled down your cheek, and Jungkook reached up to wipe it. You leaned into the comforting heat of his touch as his callused thumb rubbed soothingly on your cheek.

"What I'm trying to say is we both clearly have boundaries and walls. And we both suck at keeping the other out of some of them. So what if we loved eachother in whatever fucked up way we know how and at least reap the benefits of having shitty partners?" You offered with a hesitant smile.

"The benefits being?" Jungkook asked with a quirked brow.

Mischief glinted in your eyes as you smiled at him before lifting onto your knees and crawling towards him on the couch. Jungkook knew this conversation wasn't over. He knew he should stop you and assure you that nothing about you was broken for being cautious about who you loved. He wanted to tell you that you were good and kind and would make an incredible partner in any capacity, and he was worried he wouldn't deserve what you were willing to give. But his mind went blank as you inched so close that he could feel your breath against his face as you murmured, "I can think of a few."

You moved confidently but still grazed your lips against his in the softest touch as if asking for permission.

Jungkook leaned forward, capturing you in the kiss and pulling you into his lap. It was just as hungry as last time, as if he had been waiting to taste you again.  Jungkook felt his body come alight at the joy of feeling you pressed against him. His hands rubbed eagerly against your thighs before wandering up your sides, your arms, and your shoulders as he took all of you in.

The touch wasn't as much for pleasure as it was a claiming. But still, you skin tingled in response. A trail of goosebumps rose in the wake of every brush of his callused hands.

Finally, you broke the kiss to catch your breath. Pressing your forehead against his, you both smiled like idiots as you took eachother in.

Jungkook leaned in to kiss you again, softer this time. As if the raw desperation passed, he would savor every second now that he had you. His hands were firmly on your waist, and his thumbs rubbed in a soothing motion, lower, and lower as they crept under the hem of your shirt.

You felt core core turning molten and couldn't reflect back on the last time you had been with someone in this way.

Jungkook's mouth was hot against your neck, trailing down from behind your ear lower and lower, looking for the spot that made-

You gasped and arched against him in pleasure, your chest pressing harder against his.

There it was, his mind thought in primal satisfaction, as he bit down right above your pulse point, making you writhe against him further. He had been replaying the sounds you made during your last kiss in his head an embarrassing number of nights he was alone. He wanted to map your body right now and learn every spot that made you sigh and moan for him. His hands had migrated further up your ribcage, your skin flushing hot beneath his touch as his thumbs swiped just below your bra.

He was about to reach around to unclasp it when a cough from the kitchen cut his ministrations short. You both turned in shock to see Yoongi placing an expresso pod in the coffee machine. "J-Hope is in the garage you might wanna," he waved his hand in the air in a vague gesture to separate. "Or don't," he said with a shrug, "I think his reaction would be funny."

You were scrambling off Jungkook's lap and shoving a pillow between the two of you. Your lips were swollen and bruised from the kiss. You straightened your shirt, which was more rumpled from your earlier fight than anything, and placed a pillow between the two of you as if to protect your chastity with seconds to spare before the sound of Hoseok's footsteps echoed from the garage. You locked eyes with him as soon as he made it in the entryway. You could feel the anger radiating off of him as he entered the room.

"What happened?" He demanded.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the modifications xoxo

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