Chapter 6: Never mess with cruel people

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Maartje and I couldn't stop crying. Luckily, no one else was on Ocean Storm because the male crewmembers hated sentimentality. They'd probably show some empathy since my uncle had been murdered, but I never took risks when near them... What? People can be horribly judgmental! Uncle Ruben was among the few people who'd never judged me. Now he was gone because of me. If I had surrendered to the damn SHA, perhaps my uncle would still be alive. I felt a horrible headache as I thought of what else those bastards had in store. I was broken inside. Although I still cried, I sighed in relief once Laurens and Miguel showed up with the kids. Both men gawked, seemingly as shocked as I was.

"Santa Madre de Dios...", Gálvez breathed faster. "I'll take the kids away before they see this."

Laurens gave Willem to the Spaniard, "Excellent idea."

Miguel went downstairs with the children and my quartermaster slowly walked towards my poor uncle. Maartje ran to Laurens and hugged him desperately. Francis wouldn't stop whining as he sniffed my uncle Ruben. I scowled while observing a strange black stone by his body... Guess what was under it? A stupid piece of paper! I wasn't sure if I wanted to read the message or not.

I narrowed my eyes at the note, "What do you want now, idiots? Wasn't killing my uncle enough?"

Before opening the folded paper, I took a deep breath. My eyes widened and my hands were flooded with sweat as I read:

Captain Storm,

You didn't follow our instructions and caused one of your crewmembers to die. Surrender to us in the port of Havana tomorrow when the sun sets, or we'll do something much worse.


I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears. My head was hurting so much that I couldn't pay attention to what Maartje and Laurens talked about. My cousin wouldn't stop screaming and crying... and she had every right to do it. My heart got more shattered every time I looked at my uncle. I wanted to hug Miguel once he returned to the main deck. All I needed was a warm embrace and a shoulder to cry on... two things that my cousin and my oldest friend couldn't provide since they were distracted. Dirk probably wouldn't give me that either.

"I just put the kids to sleep," Gálvez put a hand on his head. "I can't believe Ruben is gone! How did this happen?"

My cousin wiped away a tear, "My father was already dead when Eva and I arrived. We believe the SHA killed him."

"What? The SHA?" Laurens frowned. "Navies are ruthless, but I never imagined they'd do something so atrocious."

Miguel cried as he knelt beside my uncle, "Me neither! Qué malditos..."

That was the first time I'd seen Gálvez crying. I sighed in relief once I realized my uncle wasn't the only man unafraid of having emotions. My trust in people increased when they showed not to be made of stone.

I handed the note to my friends, "The bastards sent another threat."

They quickly grabbed the paper and started reading. Maartje shot an icy glare at the note like it was an enemy. Laurens shook his head in denial and Miguel pressed his lips together... Yeah, no one was happy about that second message. Francis barked when he sniffed the paper as if he knew what was going on.

"I don't care what else these maniacs do!" Maartje returned me the note. "You're not going to surrender!"

"They've assassinated your father. We're out of options," I glanced at the starry sky as if it was the last time. "I won't put the people I care about in danger again."

"Eva, the SHA already killed Ruben!" Gálvez breathed faster and more tears ran down his face. "They'll murder you too!"

"I must do this," I stared at my toes. "Promise me you'll take care of Luna and Tess if I don't come back."

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