Chapter 24: Victim or liar?

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My head was about to explode. The man who apparently had fooled me stood there as if nothing had happened. Although I didn't want to trust Admiral Wright, something told me he wasn't as bad as I thought... Stupid soft heart! One more time, I squeezed my eyes shut while recalling Dirk's words. Maybe my softness got in my way sometimes... Who am I kidding? Of course, it did! I was about to give a chance to the man who kidnapped Maartje and Laurens... and let's not forget he killed my uncle too! Probably not directly, but he'd definitely given the order. Like a scared prey, Wright took a step back. I panted while remembering all the sadness the SHA had brought me. I shook my head in denial, not believing he had the guts to face me after everything. Hoping an SHA army wasn't waiting for me, I approached the British man.

I huffed, "How did you find me? What do you want?"

"It isn't hard to find the only female pirate captain that exists," Wright raised his brows. "I still need your help."

"You can't be serious!" I laughed nervously. "What are you going to do next? Ask for a hug?"

"I would've met you at the tavern if Mrs. Campbell hadn't shown up unannounced," the man took a deep breath. "I know where she took the two pirates."

Could he be my only chance to rescue Laurens and Maartje?

Pacing and sweating, I thought about The Englishman's words. Could Mrs. Campbell be indeed blackmailing him? Was that man a victim or a liar? All I wanted was to learn witchcraft and make that problem disappear.

"You let my friends be kidnapped, sent your clowns to kill my uncle, and made my life a living hell," I shot the admiral an icy glare. "Why in the name of rum should I believe you?"

"Mrs. Campbell ordered me to murder an Ocean Storm crewmember, but I didn't know he was your uncle. I'm sorry," the admiral pressed his lips together. "I promise to take you to your friends and send fewer men after you."

I scowled, "How about no men?"

Wright sighed, "If I eliminate the SHA now, Mrs. Campbell will expose my secrets."

"So, after I help you, we go back to being enemies?" I looked deep into Wright's eyes. "Because you wish to destroy the SHA, not the Royal Navy."

The Englishman shrugged, "Although I'll keep chasing criminals, I'm leaving you and your allies alone."

I chuckled, "I thought you didn't hate pirates."

"I'm stuck between the Navy and piracy. For now, I'll stay with my job," he glanced away. "However, I disagree with the brutal methods Mrs. Campbell developed with Atkins. She forces me to apply them."

"This makes less sense than a crab lifting a coconut!" I rolled my eyes. "How can you be stuck between two opposite things?"

The admiral sighed, "Let's have a drink and I'll explain everything. You may bring your allies too if you'd like."

"I hope I don't regret this," I took a deep breath. "Come with me."

Breathing fast, I walked towards Rosa's house with Wright. His expression wasn't stern and it didn't seem he wanted to grab his weapons. Everything was fine... Until Miguel, Nuria, Joaquim, and Giacomo laid eyes on Wright. Luckily, Rosa was with the kids in another room. Francis growled. Everyone except Faria pointed a pistol at the admiral.

I jumped in front of Wright, "This is Admiral Thomas Wright. Some call him The Englishman. I know this sounds insane, but he's on our side."

"With Hunter Atkins' help, Mrs. Campbell blackmailed me to found the SHA," the British man raised his hands in surrender. "I need you to recover what she stole from me. I'll become your ally in return."

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