Chapter 30: Don't follow my example

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Maybe I should become a teacher. My class would be about the rules to avoid falling in love. The first one is never kissing the person who's been on your mind if you'd like to forget them. This will only make you think of them more and catch yourself smiling every minute... I mean it! Every stupid minute! Don't follow my example. Although I wanted to convince myself otherwise, I felt everything but regret after that kiss. My heart pounded when I remembered it... Don't judge me! I'm sure emotions make you crazy sometimes. Despite that, I couldn't admit to anyone how I truly felt. I was still heartbroken because of Dirk and did everything to stop the four-letter emotion from returning... Who am I kidding? It already did! I just had to make sure it wouldn't get stronger. Francis whined as I drank alone in a tavern. It was evening already, so the dinner would happen soon. I huffed as Maartje, Laurens, and Nuria showed up.

I glanced at my dog, "Yeah, Francis, I can't have one moment of peace..."

"Don't be grumpy," Maartje sat on my right. "We must talk about your attitude."

"We're confused," Laurens frowned. "Why have you been avoiding Miguel all day?"

Nuria sipped her ale, "You two were inseparable until yesterday and now you're ignoring him?"

I rolled my eyes, "Can't I have some privacy?"

"We're family. There's no privacy," my cousin pushed her rum glass away as if she wanted to see me clearly. "Please, tell us what's going on."

I sighed, "I just need some alone time."

"Storm, you can fool many people, but not us," my oldest friend rubbed his hands. "Are you worried about the dinner?"

"Finally, someone who knows I'm not constantly thinking about feelings!" I forced a smile. "Because that'd be very stupid."

"There are feelings! I was right!" Maartje grinned widely. "Laurens, hand me the gold coins."

He rolled his eyes and did what my cousin asked. Even though I tried to hold my laugh, I couldn't. My friends were unbelievable. Francis barked, seemingly surprised.

I narrowed my eyes, "You made a bet on my personal life? Seriously?"

My master gunner shrugged, "That's what friends are for."

"You and Miguel are slower than broken-legged turtles to get together," Maartje kept the coins in her vest. "Besides, he's our friend and doesn't deserve to be avoided."

I took a long sip of my rum, "For the hundredth time, I'm not avoiding him!"

"Even Francis knows you're lying," my cousin glanced at my dog. "I'm not leaving until you tell the truth. I can stay here all night."

"Well, I can't!" I scowled. "I need to meet the mysterious woman soon!"

"Come on, guapa..." Nuria caressed my arm. "We want to help."

"Fine!" I squeezed my eyes shut. "Do you promise not to overreact?"

The three nodded. Deep down, I wanted to reveal everything. I couldn't keep the truth to myself anymore. Francis licked my boots, apparently trying to calm me down.

I took a deep breath, "Miguel and I kissed last night."

My friends cheered and gave me endless pats on the back. Nuria and Maartje hugged each other... No, I'm not kidding. I put both hands on my face, regretting what I'd said already. Francis wagged his tail and ran around the table... Not even my dog listened to my request! I chuckled as Laurens gave two gold coins to Maartje and two others to Nuria.

So much for avoiding an exaggerated reaction...

"Here's to the union of two wonderful people!" my oldest friend clinked glasses with the two women. "I'll become poor if I keep making bets..."

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