Chapter 15: The last anger outburst

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I breathed faster as more men arrived. Francis whined and recoiled... Yeah, I understood his fear. Dirk stood up, but he limped... How could he still stand and glare at my friends? I'd never understood that stubborn maniac! His anger seemed adorable at first, but it was the exact opposite. Dirk had helped the men who wished to kill me, so everything good he'd done vanished from my mind... Honestly, they weren't that many. He was blind in love and got disappointed just like me. The only difference was I didn't neglect Tess, acted violently, or sold my loyalty to the SHA. I wanted to punch myself in the face for believing I deserved the suffering Dirk had put me through... Yes, I thought that sometimes. Perhaps spending my childhood with a violent stepmother made me think an aggressive man was what I needed... How insane! Anyway, that didn't matter since I'd closed the door to my heart.

"This is all your fault!" Bosch pointed at Gálvez. "Eva would've bent to my will if you hadn't put her under your spell!"

"I don't cast spells. I just respect people," Miguel shot Dirk a defiant gaze. "You should try doing that someday."

I really want to hug Miguel now.

Maartje chuckled while Dirk pouted like a child. It was so fun when Gálvez made Bosch shut up... I couldn't stop laughing! Dirk punched people with fists while Miguel did it with words. Of course, Gálvez sometimes got involved in fights like I did, but I loved it when he made his point without physically attacking others.

"Since you think you're better than me, I challenge you to a fight!" Dirk's eyes bulged as he approached Miguel. "It'll be great to wipe the floor with your face while my allies drag your dear captain away."

"I don't need to fight to prove myself," Gálvez raised his brows. "I'm not you."

My cousin laughed loudly. Dirk walked closer to his SHA friends as if he wanted them to protect him from Miguel. I smiled at Gálvez, proud of him for not wasting more punches on that idiot. Miguel winked and I controlled myself not to chuckle. It was wonderful to have friends like him and Maartje to make me happy in my worst moments.

Atkins narrowed his eyes at Dirk, "As much as I'd love to see you and that guy fighting, I came here to arrest Storm, not to be a part of your drama."

"Nothing would make me happier," Bosch pointed at my friends and me. "Take these morons to prison!"

"Of course. This man looks like El Dorado, that famous Spanish captain who disappeared..." the admiral rubbed his chin while examining Miguel. "If he's El Dorado, you'll never defeat him in a fight, Mr. Bosch. You're too impulsive."

My friends and I chuckled. Francis barked as if he agreed. Bosch glared at the Spaniard... Nothing new. I'd never imagined a horrible trap Dirk had prepared would become something fun. I almost gave Atkins a pat on the back... I said almost!

"Before you do anything, won't I get my reward?" Bosch crossed his arms. "I did take you to Storm!"

The admiral frowned, "What are you talking about, mate?"

This keeps getting better and better...

Miguel and I looked at each other, then back at Atkins. Dirk pursed his lips, seemingly about to punch Atkins in the face. Had the redhead been fooled by the SHA? I really hoped the answer was yes... It'd be one of the greatest joys ever to see my pathetic ex's allies betray him! My curiosity about that situation was the only thing keeping me in that alley... Besides the armed SHA grandmas, of course.

Bosch pressed his lips together, "You promised to save my life and give me gold coins in exchange for help! Where are my damn coins?"

"Did you seriously think I'd bring them? How hopelessly naïve!" Atkins raised his brows. "You betrayed your crew, which showed me who you are. Nothing stops you from doing the same to me."

Battles and Secrets (Queen of Piracy Duology #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن