Chapter 37: The captain needs a nap

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My life improved significantly after my allies and I defeated the evil organization. We had many stolen goods, the kids got more interested in the pirate life, and Kenneth fixed the damage left by the SHA. Besides, everyone kept loving Tess even though I told them about her real father... Yes, I'd underestimated how loving the Gálvez family could be. Despite all that, one person was missing. Although I hadn't seen my mom since I escaped prison, I wouldn't stop thinking about her. Uncle Ruben said she was troubled, but I didn't think it was enough to never see her children again. She missed so many things... It was sad. I wish she'd attended the fantastic wedding celebration Miguel and I had at Ocean Storm... Everybody danced, drank, and ate so much that I let everyone have a break the next day. Laurens and Maartje's was great as well, but mine was better... What? It's true! Anyway, I took a deep breath while holding my 6-month baby girl. She was born five months after Luna turned seven... See? Maartje was wrong! I don't get pregnant easily because Luna was five when Miguel and I had our unofficial marriage.

I chuckled, "Don't give me that look, Isabel. You just had your food."

Isabel cooed while I kissed her forehead. Although my baby couldn't talk, she seemed happy. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have her and my other kids.

"Izzy is calm, but Stefan won't stop crying," Miguel walked closer while carrying our baby boy. "The lullaby isn't working anymore."

I smiled, "Izzy cries less, but she still isn't easy... See what I did here?"

"Very funny," my husband laughed. "At least our twins don't puke all the time like Vasco."

Of course! They're the best babies ever!

Guess what? I'd fulfilled the promise I made to an opponent a few years ago! I had so many babies that my enemies would never run out of pirates to chase. I was among the few women who survived a twin birth. Nothing except joy followed Stefan and Isabel's arrival. My twins had light skin, light-brown hair, and hazel eyes. My nephew Vasco had light skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair. Stefan was born a few minutes before Isabel, but I had a feeling she'd be more mature than him and Vasco... Don't judge me! You know men are more childish.

I nodded, "Maybe our nephew will stop after today. It's his birthday, after all."

"I know we're sailing to San Agustín for Vasco's birthday, but I'm most excited about showing Isabel and Stefan to my mom," Gálvez caressed our son. "She'll be delighted to meet them."

I stared at the ground, "Definitely..."

Why won't my mother come back? Is she alive?

I felt a hand smashing my heart as I remembered my mom. She should've never started the SHA... Yes, I couldn't judge someone broken, but she didn't think twice before attacking my family and me! Maybe she'd pretended that day with the birthmark. Only God knew why my mother ran away... I'd probably never find out. I squeezed my eyes shut to avoid crying.

Miguel tilted his head to the side, "Is everything alright, mi amor?"

I chewed on my lip, "I just wish my mother could meet our kids."

"Perhaps she will," he looked at the bright moon. "Wherever your mom is, she's thinking of you."

When I was ready to respond, Maartje came running with her son. Willem smiled widely while playing with his wooden sword. I hugged him tightly.

Willem pointed to the bowsprit, "We're arriving in San Agustín, Captain Storm!"

"Great job, dear!" my cousin kissed her son's head. "Just like we rehearsed!"

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