Bonus 1: Future adventures

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Never underestimate the power of time. It will go by quicker than you expect. One day you're a kid playing with plundered objects, then suddenly you're a woman who loves sword fighting... Very normal for a twenty-two-year-old lady in 1751! I was lucky to be born into a family that let me be myself... Except when I flirted with guys, which made my dad crazy. You're wondering who's the narrator, aren't you? Well, you already know me. I'm that baby that drove everyone crazy with her arrival... Yes, this is Luna. I must admit I was a beautiful woman. Many men would agree... Please don't tell my father! Anyway, let's talk about what was happening that evening. Everyone was at my parents' new tavern making some toasts. Our family loved celebrations.

Maartje raised her glass, "I'll never get tired of saying this, Eva and Miguel, but you're my favorite couple. I couldn't be prouder of how far you've come. I love you both! Cheers!"

Mom chuckled, "I've never been so thankful for a nosy cousin."

"Let's not forget Maartje and I were both essential to this union," my aunt Nuria crossed her arms. "We deserve a celebration for that."

"I want one too. It was my idea to open the Golden Storm Tapas Tavern here in San Agustín when we retired after Luna's eighteenth birthday," Laurens raised his brows. "This is the best family business ever!"

Although we weren't pirates anymore, we still dressed and drank like them. In case you didn't know, tapas are small Spanish dishes. Created in the 13th century, tapas became popular across the Spanish Empire. They can be potatoes with cheese, shrimp empanadas, pork... Anything. I loved helping my father with cooking, but I wasn't as great as him at it. Uncle Giacomo, my mother, and Maartje administered the place. Every family member worked at the Golden Storm Tapas Tavern. I couldn't believe my parents opened a business that mixed their old pirate names... So cute!

Isabel smiled, "When my parents let me make desserts here, I'll create a huge one for the three of you."

Stefan frowned, "Only if you stop adding salt instead of sugar to the pies!"

"That was a one-time thing!" she huffed and crossed her arms. "Maybe two... Fine, it was three."

"I'll never forget your salty pineapple pies," my brother raised his brows. "They gave me nightmares!"

Grandma Carolien rolled her eyes, "You two never stop fighting..."

"Stefan, don't be so hard on Izzy. She's learning," my father smiled once he turned to my mother. "Since everyone has made their toasts already, I have something to say to the love of my life."

My siblings turned to my parents, apparently curious. Maartje, Laurens, my uncle, my aunt, and my grandmas seemed to want to cry tears of joy... That happened every time my father was about to say something adorable. Willem and Vasco whispered, apparently uninterested.

Can't boys be like my dad? The world needs more men who don't act like babies...

Izzy elbowed Vasco while Stefan did the same to Will. The twins subtly shot them an icy glare. Although it sounds weird, my fifteen-year-old siblings were more mature than Vasco and Willem, who were seventeen and twenty-one, respectively. Even Tess, a year younger than Will, was less childish than him and my cousin.

"Eva, I'm so grateful I met you. It seems like yesterday that we were silly young pirates who had no idea what they were doing," my father chucked and caressed my mom's face. "Choosing to spend the rest of my life with you was the best decision I've ever made. You make me smile every day and I'm privileged to be married to such a beautiful, smart, kind, and fun woman. Happy anniversary, mi amor. I love you."

"I love you too, Miguel, and I must tell you something too. First, congratulations. You're officially the most patient man ever for putting up with me for sixteen years. We should create a prize for that!" my mother grinned as everyone else chuckled. "My heart is and will always be yours. I'll never get tired of your sweetness, the way you make me smile, and our moments together. Happy anniversary to us!"

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