Chapter 36: Back to where we started

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Despite not being free of trouble, my life became less crazy since the SHA vanished. I wasn't sure about the RNN, but an alliance between the Armada and the Royal Navy could never work. They have hated each other since always. Atkins could make as many deals with Reyes as he wanted, but things would fall apart at some point. I sighed pronouncedly while observing the sunset at the beach. Although my daughters had returned to Ocean Storm and the SHA was gone, something didn't feel right. I wanted to enjoy everything with my mom nearby. I couldn't get over our goodbye... Well, it wasn't even a goodbye. My dog came back to my thoughts sometimes as well. He didn't deserve to die... Anyway, I tried not to dwell on that sadness. Luna and Tess played with the sand while I talked to Maartje. Despite the heartbreaking moments, I was happier than ever. I had a lot to be thankful for.

"So many things happened here," I smiled. "I came as a girl and left as a pregnant woman.

"That's right, Eileen..." Maartje grinned mischievously. "How did you come up with that name?"

"When Miguel sat beside me on this beach, I was so amazed that I couldn't think straight," I sighed pronouncedly. "I chose a name starting with E because it'd be easier to memorize if he showed up again, which I never expected to happen."

"I'm sure he still remembers your fake identity," my cousin removed a small leaf from her red bandana. "It's impossible to forget a lady you impregnated."

I glanced at my girls, "He could've forgotten since neither of us knew about Luna at the time."

"Come on! My father said Miguel has always been crazy about you," she turned to the sunset. "I think you felt the same deep down. Even when you were with the other guy."

"How can you be so talented?" I laughed softly. "It's dangerous to have a cousin who reads minds."

Maartje chuckled, "I'm just perceptive."

I raised my brows, "Nosy would be more accurate."

We laughed. My daughters were having a great time together, so I didn't interrupt their happiness. I just couldn't let Luna or Tess dress like Navy men for fun... What? My crew would get upset!

"Miguel and I have been together for three months, but it feels like forever," I smiled widely. "It's crazy."

She downturned her head, "In a good or bad way?"

My eyes gleamed, "Time goes by really fast when I'm with him, so definitely good."

Maartje pressed her lips together, "So... Does that mean you'd like to be with Miguel forever?"

"Of course! I wish I'd listened to my heart earlier," I raised a brow. "Why are you asking this?"

"No reason," my cousin grinned. "I always thought destiny put you and him together."

I chuckled, "Miguel is the love of my life, but do you seriously believe this destiny nonsense?"

"You made a baby here four years ago and kept running into each other," Maartje sighed. "If that's not fate, I don't know what is."

I shook my head in denial, "I got pregnant because I was reckless. Besides, it was a coincidence to see him again afterwards."

My cousin shot me a mysterious gaze, "Was it?"

Why's she acting so weirdly?

Maartje looked in every direction, seemingly uneasy. I walked closer, trying to understand what was going on... Something was off. Luna kept gazing at me as if she knew something as well... Great! My own family had been keeping secrets from me.

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