Chapter 9: Heartbreaks can be a relief

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My heart was destroyed. Although I had a much better night after staying with Gálvez on the main deck for some minutes, the breakup wouldn't leave my mind. Not only that but also the horrible things Dirk said, his betrayal, Luna crying, Miguel defending me... Everything. Uncle Ruben's tragic death still haunted me as well. My only consolation was Luna seemed calmer on the next day... I loved her so much! I wanted to punch Dirk for what he did to her... How could a mother's love be so strong? That was crazy! My eldest daughter was curious, so I feared she'd ask too many questions after witnessing Bosch's violence. However, Luna didn't... and I hoped she continued not to. I took a deep breath while walking around the forecastle deck. Biting my lower lip, I gazed at Tamara... How could the first person my daughters ever saw be Dirk's mistress? That lady helped me with both deliveries! I didn't think Bosch lied about the affair, but I had to be sure.

I crossed my arms, "We need to talk, Tamara."

"Of course!" the woman smiled. "What does my favorite captain need?"

She's asking me to hit her!

I glanced away, trying not to lose control. Tamara's fake grin made me want to say all the bad words I knew... Yes, in Dutch and Spanish. Miguel had taught me some.

"I'm only going to ask this once," I pressed my lips firmly together. "Have you and Dirk been having an affair?"

The Genoese lady gulped and stared at the floor for a moment... I laughed nervously, feeling like the dumbest person ever. Bosch had been cheating on me and I didn't see it... or I just didn't want to see it? Anyway, I preferred not to dwell on it.

"I'm sorry, Captain Storm. It just happened," Tamara knit her brows. "I didn't want to hurt you..."

"I don't care. Mr. Neck Smasher is all yours," I showed the bruises Dirk left on me. "You two will leave Ocean Storm after we dock."

The woman's eyes bulged, "Dirk did this to you?!"

"If you put on a dress, maybe he'll spare you," I raised my brows while observing Tamara's outfit. "Good luck."

Before saying something impolite, I walked away... Don't judge me! She deserved to be scolded, but I couldn't cause a scandal in front of everyone. Even though my heart was broken, I smiled once Luna embraced me. Just like her father, she gave the best hugs. As usual, Miguel was with her.

My little girl widened her eyes, "Is the scary man gone? He was muy enojado..."

"He will be," I swallowed hard. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetie."

"You're hurt!" Luna pointed at my injured skin. "Can I kiss your wound?"

I chuckled, "Of course!"

I knelt down so that Luna could reach my neck. My eldest daughter was unbelievably adorable... Could she be any cuter? For a reason I didn't understand, I felt genuinely better after Luna's quick kiss. Although my little girl couldn't fix the damage Dirk had done, she'd found a way to cheer me up.

She pointed at the main deck, "I'm going to play! Bye!"

Luna ran so fast that I felt some wind on my skin... Yeah, kids didn't like talking to adults much. Miguel smiled once our daughter joined the other kids... How could Luna be so lucky? She had a great dad while poor Tess had a father who despised her! I hoped my love for Tess was enough. I survived not being loved by a mother, so perhaps my youngest daughter would be fine without a father.

"Now that Luna's gone, I can ask..." Gálvez sighed. "How are you feeling? Last night was very complicated."

I stared at the ground, "I'm still upset, but I realized something important."

Battles and Secrets (Queen of Piracy Duology #2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora