Chapter 20: The strangest enemies ever

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My mouth had been open for so long that I almost swallowed a fly. The admiral kept looking at me. Although I wanted to believe him, how could I? Atkins had probably planned that to make me suffer. The Englishman couldn't be a good guy. Not after everything that he made me and my family go through. Perhaps he'd lied to make me snitch on other captains such as Giacomo and Joaquim. I didn't know my two allies so well and yet I'd never give information about them. Maybe Ricci and Faria would talk about me under pressure, but I wouldn't do that to them. I gulped as Wright kept walking around my chair like a predator. For someone who wanted some assistance, he seemed really threatening. I couldn't help but breathe faster as I thought of my family. The last thing I needed was to lose more people I cared about.

"Let me get this straight," I frowned. "You, the leader of an organization that wishes to eliminate all pirates, want me to help you?"

He nodded, "I don't want this madness to continue."

What does he mean?

The Englishman looked in every direction, seemingly afraid. More sweat dripped from my forehead as he sat in front of me. What if that was a trick? I gazed at the wall, hoping it was just my paranoia talking.

"I don't understand," I chuckled nervously. "What's going on, Admiral Wright?"

He breathed faster, "The truth is I don't give a damn about the SHA. I hate it and need you to destroy it with me."

I laughed so loudly I thought I'd run out of air. Was I dreaming? The Englishman wasn't the person I needed to defeat? That was insane! Admiral Wright proved to be very naïve if he indeed wished to fool me.

"I'm serious. That madwoman put me in charge of the SHA, but I never wanted to join," Wright stared at his toes. "Only her and Atkins like this stupid organization."

I raised a brow, "After all the killing and death threats, do you really expect me to believe you?"

"I'm not lying. This thing is only called the Sea Hunters Alliance because Atkins' first name is Hunter!" The Englishman rolled his eyes. "The woman wanted to name it after him."

My neck kept sweating, "Who is she?"

"Imogen Campbell. She's madly in love with Atkins and both like assassinating pirates," he decreased his tone of voice. "Mrs. Campbell is always in a black dress because, according to her, she's constantly grieving."

Now I know why she hates me...

Unfortunately, I hadn't forgotten that name. I was three months pregnant with Luna when Dirk killed Admiral Campbell since he still loved me. That British man died on my ship, so maybe his crazy wife thought I'd murdered him... Once again, Dirk Bosch made my life worse! Yes, the redhead had helped me before showing who he really was, but he still brought me problems.

"Your story doesn't seem false, but I need proof," I grimaced as the rope stopped me from moving. "How can I know this isn't a trick?"

"The lady stole two things that will ruin my life if anyone sees them," Wright pressed his lips firmly together. "She blackmailed me into starting the SHA because I'm the youngest Royal Navy admiral ever and everyone respects me for it."

"I must see some evidence," I narrowed my eyes. "Words won't suffice."

He looked deep into my eyes, "I might not have the physical proof, but I'll offer something great in return for your assistance."

"If you're bringing prostitutes, it won't work," my eyes gleamed. "Unless they're men! I could use some..."

"I'm not providing entertainment. All I can give is my loyalty," Wright cleared his throat. "I promise the SHA won't kill anyone else close to you. Especially your Spanish husband and kids."

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