Chapter 16: Nosy family

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Despite the horrible trap Dirk had prepared, at least I didn't end up in jail. I sighed in relief while remembering Nuria and the stranger saving our lives. She killed those SHA men so quickly! I was envious of her skills. Also, I couldn't stop thinking about Bosch's tragic death. I wanted to stare at my toes and cry, but the tears wouldn't come. The redhead's mistreatment had eliminated the few happy moments we experienced. Although I could only think of the good things when my father and uncle died, I wasn't able to do the same with my ex-husband. My only memories were his cruel words, the way he squeezed my bones, and the angry gazes... Everything someone would want in a marriage, right? I should've noticed earlier that I didn't love him anymore. Biting my lower lip, I observed how the stranger gazed at Miguel's sister. Dirk had never looked at me like that... I wish I'd seen those things before! Anyway, I took a deep breath and tried to forget my agony.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" Nuria smiled at her brother. "When mom and I found out scarlet fever killed dad, we thought the same had happened to you."

"How did you know about his death? Isn't our mother still in Spain?" Gálvez's eyes widened. "Dios, I missed a lot..."

"Everyone heard of Captain Alonso Gálvez in the Spanish colonies, so it was impossible not to know," Miguel's sister sighed pronouncedly. "Mamá moved with me to San Agustín, a city in La Florida, five years after you and dad sailed to the Caribbean. She wanted to feel closer to you two."

"I would've definitely visited you if I knew," Miguel knit his brows. "Is mom alright? I miss her so much!"

Nuria nodded, "She's fine. Strong as always."

"I'd love to introduce you to my mother someday, Eva. She'd be delighted to meet you," Miguel turned to me and grinned. "You two would get along perfectly."

I cleared my throat and forced a smile, "That'd be fantastic!"

Could Gálvez be telling the truth? I'd always imagined Miguel's mom as a furious woman wearing a giant crucifix. She'd probably hate to know he had a daughter out of wedlock with a Dutch criminal. It wasn't exactly a mother's dream to have such a weird family... Right? Perhaps my traumatic experience with Hendrika made me think of all moms as mean and intolerant.

"This is my husband. Not officially, of course, since we're wanted everywhere," Nuria brought the stranger closer. "I'm also his boatswain."

The man took a step forward, "Piacere. I'm Captain Giacomo Ricci, but you can call me Giacomo."

"As long as you treat my sister right, we won't have any problems," Miguel slightly narrowed his eyes. "If there's one thing I hate is men who disrespect women."

Ricci smiled, "You have nothing to worry about. Nuria is my everything."

"Why don't we have a drink? It'd be great to talk more with both of you," Maartje took a step back. "My partner and the kids are waiting at the tavern."

"There are little pirates?" Gálvez's sister grinned so widely that I wondered if her cheeks didn't hurt. "This is so exciting!"

I chuckled, "One of them is your niece. Miguel and I have a four-year-old daughter."

"You're married to the best captain ever? Well done, brother!" Nuria gave Miguel a pat on the back. "I'm sure you're a wonderful father. You took care of me really well when our mom needed it."

I couldn't understand why some people assumed couples got married because of a pregnancy. Miguel and I looked at each other, then back at Nuria... Yeah, her joy wouldn't last long. Francis whined, seemingly sad for her. I gulped, hoping I hadn't blushed... Don't judge me! My cheeks got red for no reason sometimes.

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