the last update for the forseeable future

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hello. i hope you are all doing wonderfully! as you can tell, this is not a real update for this story. the last time i wrote a chapter was a year ago, in september of 2020. we are about to enter september of 2021, and as you have probably realized, i haven't made any indication of continuing this book. and i, unfortunately, do not plan to.

i'm a senior now, in high school. i'm 17, and i have so much on my mind: grades, college applications, rebuilding relationships after 2 years of a pandemic, running a business, and even working on my own original novel. i have a lot to do, and to be honest i haven't thought about this story since last year.

i've just kind of...moved on.

i've always dreaded making an update like this, since i had such high hopes for it when i started it 4.5 long years ago :,) but i have things to do and learn, and this story has not fit into my older life. it doesn't have any room in my imagination, i can't remember what i wanted to do with the plot or anything. i wish this wasn't the case. i really wish i could finish this story and write the freshman prequel i planned on, that is still sitting in my drafts, and write the next 2 books and maybe even continue into the characters' college lives. but it's just not possible for me right now, and i doubt it will ever be as i prepare to become an adult.

over this year of dormancy, i've gotten new readers who enjoy the story, and it breaks my heart a little bit to know i won't be able to provide new chapters for them. if you're reading this, i'm really sorry. please, to anyone, feel free to take inspiration from this for your own stories.

but for now, i am stepping back. please don't be angry, this is just the way of life. perhaps you all will one day read a hopefully published book from me. but for now, i am saying goodbye to Walt E. Disney High. you will always hold a special place in my heart!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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