Chapter 6

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At 6:50 am, Kristoff's alarm went off, abruptly waking me from my dream. "Oh, turn it off, will you?" Dmitri muttered, rubbing his face and eyes. Kristoff was the only one who actually set an alarm, but Dmitri and I used it to wake up too.

I groaned, opening my eyes slowly. All of a sudden I sat up, remembering that it was audition day for Grease. "Woah, you okay?" Kristoff chuckled, beginning to sloppily make his bed.

"It's audition day!" I explained, hopping out of bed and putting on my slippers. In only my boxers and grey t-shirt, I grabbed some clothes and shower products, hurrying down the hall to take a quick shower. After doing so, I walked out of the shower to put on my outfit. I had specifically chosen dark jeans, a tight white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and black Converse to match Danny Zuko's typical getup, the part I was auditioning for.

I had drama as an elective, and the day of the musical being announced, Mr. Scar had told me that I should try since I looked a lot like the male lead and could sing. Vanessa, my current girlfriend, had also begged me to try out, for she was auditioning for Sandy and she wanted to show off her relationship on stage. However, I had heard Ariel was also auditioning for the lead.

When I arrived back at my dorm, Dmitri was only just dragging himself out of bed, Kristoff combing his hair. Once he was done, I occupied the bathroom to do my hair as well. With my black hair still wet, I used mountains of gel and a comb to shape it into a casual imitation of a Zuko style. As I walked back out, Dmitri said, "Who are you, John Travolta?"

I grinned. "Yes, I am. Thanks!" Dmitri squinted at me, eventually looking away and dragging his hand down his face again, dismissing me with a wave. He sleepily attempted pulled on pants as I grabbed my navy backpack, barely remembering to grab my history homework. I walked out of the room, waving goodbye to Kristoff and Dmitri, who had given up trying to put on shoes.

I walked down the stairs towards the cafeteria, meaning to grab a quick to-go breakfast to eat on the way to school. Also, I didn't want to sit down with my friends because Vanessa often came up to me, clinging onto me obnoxiously and trying to show off.

As I walked into the cafeteria at around 7:30, I heard someone shout, "Hey Eric!" I looked over to see Flynn waving from a table, accompanied by Tarzan, Jim, and Robin. I hesitantly made my way over to them.

"Oi, what happened to you?" Robin asked, elbowing me as I reached their table.

"Um... Just trying something new, I guess," I lied, not wanting to reveal that I was auditioning for a musical to some of my coolest friends in the school.

"Hm," Robin grunted, going back to his feast of pancakes, a muffin, and French toast.

"Listen guys, I'd really love to stay, but I've got to go. I'm just going to grab something and go," I said, pointing my thumb back at the food counters.

"All right, but you'd better go quick if you want to make it out alive," Flynn said, nodding to the one of the entrances of the cafeteria. I looked back and saw Vanessa entering, surveying the scene and skirted by the Tremaine sisters.

"Thanks," I said quickly to Flynn, going to snatch an apple. I watched Vanessa as she went to the beverage section, which was thankfully at the end of the room. I kept close to the wall, blending in to the rest of the students and eventually reaching to door to the outside. Breathing a sigh of relief, I bit into the apple as I walked down the path towards school.

When I entered the campus, it was starting to buzz with social activity, people walking to homeroom, getting items from their lockers, and talking to friends. I walked to my locker, finishing my breakfast, and saw Ariel just finishing up with her locker and its contents. I noticed that she had a new kind of outfit today: a red skit, white top, and a white scarf-thing around her perfect red ponytail. When she slammed the locker door closed and turned to leave, I said, "Hey, Ariel."

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