Chapter 27

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"You ready, Els?" Jack asked from behind me. We had gathered almost all the students in the school who had magical powers, and we were standing outside of Principal Mickey's door. All I had to do was knock.

But I couldn't. I stood there, shaking, reading his name over and over again in the gold, polished paint. "Do you think she knows how to knock?" someone whispered from the back of the group.

Jack bristled, but stayed put. My stomach twisted, but I finally raised my fist and knocked three times.

"Come in!" Mickey's squeaky voice sounded from inside, and I opened the door. We all piled in, Violet and a couple of others peeking in from the outside.

"Well hello! This is quite a procession!" Mickey laughed. I smiled weakly and Punz and I took the two seats across from him, Silvermist and Moana squeezing in by my sides.

"Hi, Principal Mickey. We have a proposal regarding magical students and the talent show," Rapunzel said importantly, starting me off.

I cleared my throat, my cheeks burning. " you know, powers on campus are, um, banned for students. But many of us, um, feel as if this is repressive and unfair. We-we were wondering if, only for one night, we could showcase our talents in the talent show for the school. Possibly this could raise awareness for our cause and maybe make a change," I said, rehearsing the lines I had written for myself this morning. I grew more confident as I went, but after I finished I retreated into my hunched, anxious position.

Mickey seemed to contemplate this for a moment. "Well, as you know, magic in students is...deactivated on campus for the sole purpose of preserving the other students' safety. My concern would be that somehow your powers got out of control or misused, and you or another student gets hurt."

"Yes, we recognize that!" Rapunzel jumped in, saving me from becoming a stuttering mess. I didn't have a script for this part. "We have been thinking of a Powers class! That way, inside one classroom, we can learn how to control them without hurting anyone, and perhaps that can lead to activation on the entire campus!"

Mickey furrowed his brows. "A Power class?"

"Yes!" Jack answered. "We could all have it in the same period, and learn how to control them and use them for good."

"Hmm..." Mickey pondered, shuffling through some papers. "We did have some teaching applications from earlier this year, and they do happen to be fairies...I'll see if I can contact them. In the meantime, I suppose I will grant a lift on the ban on the night of the talent show. Though each of you who want to participate must come to me individually. All right?"

We all smiled and cheered, thanking him and pushing out of the office. People were congratulating me; for what, I don't know. But I smiled nonetheless as we moved as a unit into the hallway, then dispersed.

"We did it!" Rapunzel shrieked, jumping up and pumping her fist into the air. Then she gave me, Jack, and Moana an enthusiastic high five. "Come on! We gotta go prepare for the talent show!" She ran down the hall.

Moana and I glanced at each other and laughed.

Talent show, here we come.


It was about a week after the kidnapping fiasco, and honestly I had begun to forget about it. Teachers were piling on assignments left and right; I had an essay to write for Ms. Poppins's English class, a math assignment for Mr. Skellington, yet another chemistry project from Ursula, a test in Frollo's Spanish class, and countless rehearsals for Grease. Plus, it was exactly five days until Jasmine's Halloween party.

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