Chapter 5

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"Come on Moana!" I called, dragging her to the dance room. I had woken us up early so that we could see the list for the dance team.

"Hold on!" she laughed at me, losing her breath already as we flew down the hall.

We arrived at the door of the dance room where a crowd of people were already standing. My nerves spiked as I saw some people celebrating but a lot walking away, disappointed looks on their faces. Since Moana and I were both short, we fought our way to the crowd to see the posted cast list.

Dance Team

Gypse, Esmeralda

Atlantica, Adella

Corona, Rapunzel

Evans, Marian

Headley, Nala

Lily, Tiger

Lucian, Iridessa

Motunui, Moana

Nedakh, Kida

Sea, Vanessa


La Bouff, Charlotte

Llyr, Eliwony

Tremaine, Anastasia

I gasped. I felt excitement and astonishment bubbling up inside me. Turning to Moana who was behind me and couldn't see, I yelled while jumping up and down, "MO! WE GOT IN! WE GOT IN!"

"Really?" she said, her surprised smile growing. "We got in?"

"Yes!" I yelled, hugging her tightly and causing her to jump too.

"Oh my gosh!" she shouted, hugging me back.

After we finished congratulating each other, someone forcefully pushed me aside to see the list. I grunted and fell into Moana, apologizing. I looked up and saw a wave perfectly curled black hair. People began parting the way for her and Anastasia, Drizella, Lottie, and Marie followed the girl, who I concluded was Vanessa Sea. She turned around, tossing her hair with a smug look on her perfectly-make-uped face.  "I knew I'd get in." She sashayed away, her navy leather bag swinging on her elbow. I frowned.

Anastasia and Lottie, who'd both auditioned, went to confront the list after her. Drizella and Marie followed Vanessa away from the crowd, practically kissing her toes. Everyone was quiet, either watching Vanessa or holding their breaths at the other girls' reactions. Everyone knew Lottie was sweet and generous to basically everyone, and Anastasia was the kindest of the other four. Their eyes were bright and hopeful as they scanned down the list, their shoulders soon sagging. I saw Anastasia's lip tremble a bit and Lottie sighed, looking down. She put her hand on Anastasia's shoulder comfortingly, whispering, "It's okay, Ani. We're understudies, it's okay. Maybe we'll get on. You'll be okay." Anastasia was sniffling, trying not to reveal her sadness to the silent crowd watching.

"Girls!" Vanessa barked, startling everyone. "Get over here!"

Anastasia and Lottie walked heavily down the aisle people had created to Vanessa, trailing behind her as she disappeared from the hall.

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