Chapter 36

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I walked into the theater with a spring in my step. Our production of Grease's opening night was in almost three weeks, and I was very excited. We were starting to look really good, and still only had a few more scenes that needed cleaning and blocking.

I walked up onto the stage and into the wings, where my fellow cast members were warming up and stretching. "Hey Jasmine," I greeted as I set down my bag, taking off my warm sweatshirt. She said hello back, and then I spotted Ariel's bright red hair out of the corner of my eye. She was sitting silently, staring off into space with Anna, who looked a little bit concerned but kept her mouth shut. Ariel looked exhausted; her eyes were puffy and had bags under them, and she looked skinnier than normal.

I leaned over to Moana who was next to me. "Is Ariel all right?" I whispered.

Moana bit her lip. "She's, uh, having some boy troubles," she responded, her eyes flicking over to Eric. He was talking merrily with Henry.

"Eric?" I guessed, and Moana nodded.

"Did she tell you anything?" the brunette asked me, but I shook my head as I tied my hair up.

"I just know that she's crushing on him."

We were interrupted by Mr. Scar, who yelled, "Everyone onto the stage! All cast and crew, onto the stage please!"

Moana and I stood up and made our way into the open with everyone else as Ariel lagged behind. Something was definitely wrong with her. What had Eric done? "All right, as you know, opening night is three weeks from Friday," Scar said, glancing down at his clipboard through his glasses. This earned a cheer from all the students. "Yes yes yes. But we still have a lot to do. If you do not attend further rehearsals without a legitimate, proven reason, your understudy will step into your role and you will be kicked out of the show. Understand?"

We all gave murmurs of comprehension, and I could tell some people were terrified. "Marvelous. Today we will do scenes two, three, and Aurora I'd like you to run scene nine," he said, and I nodded with a smile.

"Scene two, beginning with Jan's line!"

We all scrambled to set up the tables we used, getting into our places and practicing lines and vocal warm ups. I stood backstage. Moana, as Rizzo sat with her legs up, Anna as Jan sat with a cafeteria tray, Giselle was Frenchy, back with me, and Tink was Marty. Then Moana, Anna, and Tink ran through their lines. The boys —Tramp as Kenickie, Henry as Putzie, Naveen as Sonny, Jim as Doody — did their part and then Giselle and I walked on.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Sandy. She just moved here from Salt Lake City!" Giselle said, introducing me to the rest.

"Hi, pleased to meet you," I said with an innocent smile as we sat down.

"So how do you like Rydell so far?" Tink asked.

"Oh, it seems real nice. I was supposed to go to Immaculata, but my father had a fight with Mother Superior over my patent leather shoes. She said that boys could see up my dress in my reflection."

People laughed, and then Cinderella entered as Patty Simcox. I knit my lips together; her portrayal of the annoying Patty always made me burst out in laughter, and Scar always reprimanded me for it. "Hi kids!" she yelled loudly, skipping over to us as the other girls groaned. I giggled

Soon Eric joined the boys on the other side of the stage. Then, it was time for a song.

"Summer lovin' had me a blast," Eric sang, his friends crowded around him.

I took a breath. "Summer lovin' happened so fast."

"Met a girl crazy for me," he said.
I giggled, swaying to the accompaniment that Marie was playing. "Met a boy cute as can be."

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