Chapter 13

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"Yo, dude," Eric said, his voice far away. He smacked my legs with a pillow. "We've let you sleep for forty minutes. It's 7:20."

I groaned, not even caring that I had ten minutes to be down at breakfast. "Just five more minutes, please," I said, rolling over.

"Come on, you can't miss first period. It's your science period." he reminded me, picking up his backpack and beginning to walk out the door. "I've set some alarms, so if you fall asleep again, you're sure to wake up. Say hi to Anya for me!" And with that he closed the door.

I shut my eyes again, brushing off his comment about my friend and easily falling back to sleep. But all too soon, an alarm started ringing. I stopped it, but the moment I did, another alarm started up again. And another, and another, and another. Eric, that asshole. Knowing that it was no use to try to fall asleep again, I got out of bed and after a while the alarms stopped. I brushed my teeth drowsily and put on a teal button up shirt, along with black jeans and a black vest. I didn't do anything with my hair, as usual. After I pulled on shoes, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out the door.

I began walking to the elevator, but a surprising sight stopped me. "Anya?" I asked, confused. Anastasia Romonav, my best friend who I had transferred here with from Fox Institute, was wandering the halls. She started when she heard me.

"Oh, it's just you," she said, brushing me off with an air of unimportance.

"Yeah, hello and good morning to you too," I scoffed. "What are you doing down here? This is the boy's floor."

She looked away, shrugging. "I, um, got lost?"

"What? We've been in these dorms for a month now, how did you get lost? Idiot," I said as we began walking towards the elevator, side by side.

"Okay, moron, I didn't really get lost. But Elsa and Nala are my only girl friends, and they weren't in their rooms. All my other friends are you and Flynn and Tramp, so I figured I'd run into one of you down here," she explained, blowing a piece of auburn bangs from her face.

"Well, I'm flattered." She rolled her eyes at me.
"So where are the others?"

"No idea. Apparently I sleep very late and I got up just five minutes ago."

She eyed me up and down. "I can tell." I pushed her.

Laughing, she regained her balance and tightened her tiny ponytail. "Hey, do you know if the five of us are going to the football game tomorrow?" she asked, the five of us meaning our friend group of me, Anya, Flynn, Tramp, and Nala.

I shrugged. "I don't know. We just went to one last week."

"True. We could try to do something different."

There was a silence as we rode the elevator down to the first floor. As we got off, Anya suddenly gasped, scaring me. She hopped and grabbed my upper arm. "We could go laser tagging! Oh, my god, I've always wanted to go laser tagging!"

I laughed, trying to play off my jump scare. "Sure, sounds fun. Let's try to find them in the cafeteria."

She led me to the eating area and weaved her way through chairs, making me hurry awkwardly after her. "Flynn! Tramp!" she yelled, waving.

The two guys looked up from their booth and smiled, waving us over. Anya sat down next to Tramp and I was next to Flynn. Anya stole a mini pancake off of Tramp's plate. "Hey!" he cried, reaching for it. She ate it in one bite, causing Tramp to pout as we all laughed.

"Hey, guys," Nala greeted with her plate, squeezing in next to me. I took an apple slice but she didn't mind. "What's up?"

"I thought that instead of going to the game tomorrow night, we could go laser tagging!" Anya answered excitedly, looking around for the reaction.

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