Chapter 33

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The dorm room was empty, and this was the time I took to my advantage. For two days, Adam has been gone, sleeping in his friends' dorms as Lady Tremaine tries to find a new room for him. It has been just Hercules and I. If you ask me, the sexual tension has been at an all time high.

Just yesterday, he came back from football practice, all sweaty. When he came back from his shower, he was wearing just a towel. His rock hard abs were still wet...I smirked just thinking of it. It was like he was trying to tempt me. I mean, who wouldn't want a piece of Kuzco Pepikrankenitz?

At the moment, I was laying out my outfit for the talent show. It was tomorrow, and Tink and I felt very confident in my routine. I had arranged the lights, confetti, and music with Zarina, the tech director. I was going to blow the whole school away with Dolly Llama, I'd practically become the emperor of the school. "Step aside, Mickey, Emperor Kuzco's in town!" I cried to myself, smiling and striking a pose with my hands splayed. "Boo yah!"

"Hello?" a voice said, and I whipped around to see Edward in the doorway, holding a bag and a cardboard box in his arms.

I furrowed my eyebrows and placed my hands sassily on my hips. "What are you doing here?"

He stared me dead in the eyes and said, very unenthusiastically, "I suppose that I'm your new roommate. Unfortunately."

I scoffed, offended. "Excuse me?" I said loudly, putting a hand to my chest. "You should be grateful to room with someone as fabulous as me."

Edward rolled his eyes and went over to Adam's old bed. "Perhaps the two of us will out-gay Hercules. Maybe he'll decide to leave too."

"Oh, please. If he can handle me, your sorry ass won't make any difference to him. You've barely even come out."

Edward straightened up and raised his very well manicured eyebrow at me, then glanced down at my talent show outfit. It was a red latex zip-up bodysuit, with black heels, my normal jewelry, and I had styled my wig. "Drag queen?" Edward asked me with some disdain. I widened my eyes at his tone.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" I shot back.

Edward shrugged and turned back to his things. I felt so much competition crackling in the air, and I loved it. "No," he said nonchalantly. "It's just quite cliche."

I snorted. "Oh, says you. You practically talk in rhymes and throw glitter everywhere."

Edward whipped around with a dramatic gasp. "Because I'm the gayest of them all!" he cried, throwing a hand up.

I cackled, then stepped towards him threateningly. I hated to admit that his breath smelled almost floral. "You wish," I said. "You'll see tomorrow. I'm going to knock your rainbow socks off."

Edward smirked, giving me a faint flash of butterflies. "It's on."


Tomorrow was the talent show, and I have never felt more nervous, perhaps ever. I had gone to the pond a few times to practice with my powers. Freezing it over, making it snow, and a few times accidentally causing a blizzard.

I couldn't control it. My nerves would be through the roof tomorrow, there is no way I can control my powers as well. What if I hurt someone? What if the same thing happened like that time I accidentally hit Anna? Yes, she had been healed by trolls, but there are no trolls at Walt E. Disney High. I can't do this. I can't be in the talent show. I'm going to hurt someone. What if people laugh at me? What if-

"Hey Els," Anya said as she opened the door, smiling warmly at me but then looking concerned. It was only then that I realized that I was shaking, my frail arms wrapped around my knees as I huddled on the ground. "Are you okay?"

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