Chapter 20

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Tuesday, October 16

"So then I took the took the trophy, and everyone cheered even louder. Because they knew that I was the one who earned it for the team, you know?"I bragged to Drizella and Marie about the past weekend, and they looked in awe. They were my loyal-est companions.

"That's, like, so amazing," Marie said, and I smirked at her, flipping my hair.

"I know."

"Nessa!" I turned around to see Eric walking towards me, a firey look in his eyes.

I looked him up and down, smiling and narrowing my eyes. "Hey, Eric," I purred.

He walked right up to me. "Can we talk?" he asked in a low voice, looking at my friends. "In private?"

I got a familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, turned on my his aggressive nature. "Of course," I murmured, trailing a nail along his chest and pulling him away, into an empty classroom. 

I locked it swiftly and then turned, stalking slowly towards him. "We should get it done quickly -- I have to be in English class soon."

"What?" he said, holding out his hands and stopping me from going any further. "No, no Vanessa. That's not what I meant. I just want to talk."

I froze and dropped my hand. "Oh. Okay. Good.... Uh, I wanted to talk too."

Eric looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but he took a breath and began. "Okay.... Vanessa, where is the money?"

I paused, hardening my gaze. "Excuse me?"

"You know, the money you promised me? I did what you asked five days ago, and we haven't seen a penny of it. I even spread rumors about it, okay? Nobody knows it was you, I'll make sure of it. So please. Just send the money, Vanessa," he said, desperate and angry. I could tell that he was getting frustrated with this pleading. I had him right in the palm of my hand.

I could play this game too. Eric was sitting on top of one of the desks, and so I paced in front of him, tapping a nail to my chin. "Yes, I know you did all of that. But you haven't met one of the most important requirements: being my boyfriend. Every time I see you or say hi to you in the halls, you walk away all mad without even looking at me! It makes both me and you look like idiots, and I do not need that. So we are in a relationship, Eric. You do sweet things for me. And you'd better ask me out to the Winter Formal next month, in the most public way possible. If you actually act like my boyfriend, I will send her your precious money."

Eric glared at me with cold, blue eyes. "Fine. But she's running out of time."

I sneered, getting closer to him. "You do know that her life is in my hands? The minute you decide not to comply with my conditions, I could stop the money, and that could kill her. So you'd better make sure I'm satisfied, Eric."

He was balling his fists, then grasping the desk beneath him, probably to keep his temper in check. "I know."

He took a deep breath, hopping off the desk and grabbing my arms. He kissed my forehead, his mood completely changed. "I know. See you later, love."

I smiled. "Bye, babe." He left the dark classroom, leaving me alone to think for a few minutes. Then I finally returned to the hall, where only the Tremaines and Marie remained.

"Where's Charlotte?" I asked, snapping so that they fell in step behind me as I stalked down the hall.

"She went to talk to that nerdy loser, Jane," Drizella replied immediately.

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