Chapter 28

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I adjusted my dog ears, making sure it was perfectly pinned to my curled hair. I stepped in front of the mirror, pressing my black skirt down.

Then, Belle joined me in the mirror. "You look pretty," she commented. She was wearing just a normal outfit, some jeans and a long sleeved sweater.

"Thank you! I wish you would dress up," I said, smiling at my best friend.

She rolled her eyes. "That's too much out of my comfort zone. I'd rather admire the costumes than stress about my own."

I nodded, and we grabbed our stuff before heading out the door.

As we arrived at the elevators, the doors opened to reveal someone. I jumped, until I realized it was my boyfriend. "Tarzan!" I cried happily, reaching out my arms and running to him. He smiled and picked me up. He smelled wonderful, and his strong arms made me feel warm and welcome. I felt my heart swell as I listened to his heartbeat.

I reluctantly let go and realized Belle had gotten on, and the elevator was traveling down. I looked Tarzan up and down. He wore yellow pants and a black tee shirt, with suspenders and a firefighter hat. His normally tied up dreadlocks were let loose, and his buff arms almost popped out of his shirt. I had had the idea of going as a firefighter and a dalmation.

"You look brilliant!" I told him, smiling.

"So do you," he replied. I blushed and looked down at my black and white spotted shirt, black skirt, and black tights.

"Thank you."

"Where is your costume, Belle?" Tarzan asked innocently.

She looked up from her phone, which of course she was reading from. "I don't like dressing up."

Tarzan nodded, and we walked off the elevator, our arms around each others waists.

The first bell rang, and Ms. Poppins clapped her hands, getting the class's attention. "All right, children. Happy Halloween, yes yes yes. Today, we have decided to go Trick-or-Treating," she said, distaste dripping from her words. The class cheered. "So we will be passing out buckets and you will go trick-or-treating around the school. Then, we will be having the costume contest in the cafeteria. We will have lunch, and as you know you get out early, so you go home afterward. Sound good?"

We all nodded, bursting into the excited chatter.  "I can't believe this is whole day is centered around Halloween!" Boo said happily. I noticed she was dressed as a some sort of monster, with a blue shirt and purple spots. Lil sat next to her, dressed as a blue alien.

"I know, it's wonderful!" I said, smiling.

"Everyone, grab a bag on your way out!" Ms. Poppins exclaimed over the talking. We all rushed to the door, and took one of the orange buckets from the desk, spilling into the hall where the rest of the school was. Students ran from classroom to classroom, the teachers hurriedly throwing candy in everyone's buckets.

"This cannot he safe," I said to Tarzan as we watched people yelling and laughing, getting pushed around.

"Let's go, Jane! We have got to get candy!" Tarzan cried, and I laughed at the childlike glow in his eyes. He pulled me from classroom, saying "Trick or treat!" to every teacher and collecting candy. Soon, the chaos died down and we were able to calmly walk through the halls.

Once we had visited practically the whole school, Peter pulled me under the bleachers of the football field. "What are we doing?" I asked, giggling.

"Now we can eat!" Tarzan said, his eyes shining at our buckets full to the brim with various candies. He poured them out and was about to dive in, but I stopped him.

Walt E. Disney Highحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن