Chapter 48

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Hercules and I were on our second date of the week in Paris. We had just finished our dinner at a nice restaurant and were taking a walk next to the freezing river, skirting around people picnicking on the edges of the bank.

Eventually he stopped, and I looked across the water before I felt Hercules take my hands in his. I looked up at him, dreading what I knew was to come.

Hercules smiled gently down at me, his blue eyes shining. "Meg," he said, his voice full of honesty and compassion, "you are the most special girl I've ever met. I've never felt this way around anyone before. I love you." I felt a pull in my gut. I tried to take my hands out of his grasp. My body instinctively felt like it needed to escape, but my heart stupidly told me to stay.

"You don't have to feel like you have to say it back," Hercules continued, gently squeezing my hands and looking imploringly into my face. "I know you don't want to and I understand, I just wanted you to know."

I shook my head, forcing back the prickling tears that were pooling in my eyes. "Hercules, I-"

He didn't force me to look up at him. He didn't tighten his grip on me. He simply said, in the kindest, most compassionate voice I'd ever hear, "I know."

I wanted to. I wanted to kiss him there and make him shut up with all his perfect words and forget about every horrid thing I was doing. But no matter what I felt, there wouldn't be truth to it, as long as I was under Hades's care. I wrenched my hands out of Hercules's and turned, running away as tears blurred my vision. I had to talk to Hades. I had to make this stop.

I finally slowed down my pace in some quiet-ish alleyway, occupied by only an empty homeless person's tent and blanket. I wiped the tears I hadn't realized had fallen and squeezed my arms against my body, trying to get myself to calm down. Hercules loved me, all because of an unfair mission that Hades had sent me on for money. And the worst part was that I was starting to love him back.

"There you are, Meggy-poo!"

I turned sharply, bristling at the sound of that voice. At the mouth of the alley stood Hades himself, dressed in a dark blue suit with a fur coat and scarf. He grinned maliciously, his hands outspread like he expected a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, fisting my palms.

Hades dropped his arms and stepped forward. "Well, you know how I have a headquarters in Paris, I thought I'd take a look at it, check in, see everything is in working order and then I remembered: 'Hey, isn't my little Megladon here too?' What a coincidence! So I thought I'd drop by and say a howdy-doo to my favorite adopted minion. So! What is the weak link in Wonderboy's chain? Something that will make the entire industry of Olympus crumble in my hands!"

I shivered with disgust. "Get yourself another girl," I told him, crossing my arms. "I'm through."

He laughed softly, stepping towards me again. "I'm sorry, can you say that again? I must have some wax shoved in my ear or something." He shoved a finger in his ear, flicking out his findings.

"Then read my lips!" I yelled, pointing to them. "Forget. It."

I started stomping past him, back into the bustling streets before his cold hand caught my arm. "Meg, Meg, Meg," he crooned. He snapped me back to his side as he squished my cheeks. "Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail?" I rolled my eyes, before he jerked my face away, bellowing, "I OWN YOU!"

I stumbled backwards, regaining my balance. "Let it go, Hades!" I replied, standing my ground.

"You work for me! If I say 'Sing,' you say, 'Hey, name that tune!'" He snapped his fingers, wiggling his hips around. He then took my wrist again, his finger under my chin. "If I say, 'I want Wonderboy's heart on a platter,' you say...?"

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