Chapter 21

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"All right, see you guys later," I said, gathering my things and leaving the locker room full of sweaty football players. Our practices have gotten better. It took a while to adjust once we lost Mulan, and we aren't as good as we used to be, but Jim and Kocoum were getting into the routine a bit more. I think we have a shot at winning a few of the games that remained.

I began walking to the football field exit and towards the dorms. "Wonderboy! Hey, Herc!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I smiled and turned around to see Meg running towards me, clutching a stitch in her side.

"Hey, Meg. How are you?" I asked, smiling gently down at her as she joined me by my side.

"Fine, fine. Um, hey, are you too tired?" she asked, catching her breath, grinning but not being able to meet my eyes. I felt a warm feeling sprout in my chest, and butterflies took over my throat.

"Um, a bit, yeah. You know, football really takes it out of you. It's very hard..." I said dumbly. She smirked. I cleared my throat. "Too tired to do what?"

"I bet," she replied. I could tell she was refraining from laughing at me. "Um, I was wondering if you wanted to join me at a concert? I got two tickets for The Catfish Club," she said smoothly, her tranquil violet gaze practically melting me.

"Um -- uh -- yeah! Yes, that sounds great!" I stuttered, my face going red.

She chuckled. "Meet you in the lobby at 7, Herc." She walked away, hips swaying. I had no idea where she was going, she seemed to do it just for dramatic effect -- anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I was just asked out by Megara Creon! I excitedly punched the air and ran as fast as I could towards the dorm buildings.

As I neared my room, I could hear Britney Spears music blasting. I sighed. It must be Kuzco again, even though Adam and I have specifically told him to turn it down. I unlocked the door, and sure enough was met with the loud music and Kuzco's singing. I looked down. He was on the floor, in front of a mirror. He was...putting on makeup? His face was caked with the stuff, and his black hair was hidden away by what looked like pantyhose.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

Kuzco jumped up and screamed, running into the bathroom. He slammed the door and locked it. I furrowed my brows, looking back at the piles of makeup.

"Kuzco....What's going on?" I asked, nearing the bathroom door.

"Go away, Hercules!" he shouted, sounding like he was in tears. "This is none of your business, and don't tell anyone!"

I paused. I was still extremely confused. "No, I'm going to stay," I said firmly. "What are you doing?"

"I said, nothing! Just leave me alone!" Kuzco shouted through the door. I hesitated.

"Are you doing your makeup?" I asked.

There was a pause, and a loud sniff from inside the room. "Maybe," came the quiet, ashamed reply.

"Why are you hiding then? Are you afraid of it? Afraid of me?"

Another sniff. "Aren't you afraid of it? The coolest, hottest guy on the football team is rooming with a fag, right? Who knows what they may be doing together? Aren't you scared of rumors, Wonderboy?"

I paused. Is that what he thinks I think? I hadn't even thought about what rooming with a gay person could mean. It should mean nothing. "No, I'm not, Kuzco. I'm not afraid of the rumors, I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not afraid of makeup. Makeup is cool, man."

Kuzco gave a half hearted laugh. "Well aren't you fearless. Even I'm scared of it."

I smiled. "Come on! You watch those drag races all the time, and honestly, they're pretty cool," I told him, leaning on the wall.

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